
Admin Chat cover image

Admin Chat - 2.0.4



chat  tools  admin 

Allows admins to write in an admin-only chatroom

Admin Chat in Umod

Admin Inventory Cleaner cover image

Admin Inventory Cleaner - 2.1.1



inventory  clean  admin 

Cleans your inventory on command or on exit

Admin Inventory Cleaner in Umod

Admin Deep Cover cover image

Admin Deep Cover - 2.2.8



admin  hide  deepcover 

Hides the original identity of admins by masking their steam profiles

Admin Deep Cover in Umod

Admin Decay Hammer cover image

Admin Decay Hammer - 0.0.5



decay  admin  building 

Allows you to hit a base with the hammer to increase its decay rate instead of removing.

Admin Decay Hammer in Umod

Admin Logger cover image

Admin Logger - 2.4.1



admin  logging  noclip 

Logs admin commands usage in a file and console

Admin Logger in Umod

Admin Map cover image

Admin Map - 0.0.5



admin  map 

Allows admin to show all players on the map

Admin Map in Umod

Admin Key cover image

Admin Key - 1.2.8



admin  access 

Get admin from a key code instead of going into console

Admin Key in Umod

Admin Anti-hack Fix cover image

Admin Anti-hack Fix - 1.0.0



admin  antihack  flyhack 

Fix for admin staff getting kicked for AntiHack violations

Admin Anti-hack Fix in Umod

Drone Strike cover image

Drone Strike - 1.0.1



admin  drone  fun 

Drone StrikeCall in drone strikes to bomb your enemies. Drone strikes are picked by selecting two points on the map. Highly customizable and perfect for economy servers, shop servers, vote rewards, donation rewards or an admin abuse tool! Designed to work with many other plugins.

Drone Strike in LoneDesign Drone Strike in Codefling

Team Voice Chat cover image

Team Voice Chat - 1.0.2



admin  clan  clans 

Adds a private Team Voice chat system to rust!

Team Voice Chat in LoneDesign Team Voice Chat in Codefling

Recoil Viewer cover image

Recoil Viewer - 1.5.3



admin  recoil 

Displays the players recoil on the screen. Mod focused as a tool for Administrators.

Recoil Viewer in LoneDesign

Deployable Nature cover image

Deployable Nature - 1.0.25



admin  deployable  entity 

The Deployable Nature plugin allows users to find and/or purchase items that can be used to decorate and make their bases truly unique.This fully customizable plugin adds deployable rocks, trees and bushes into your server in the form of items, which are obtained by mining nodes, chopping trees, collecting plants or can be purchased from the nature store.

Deployable Nature in LoneDesign Deployable Nature in Codefling

Easy Admin cover image

Easy Admin - 1.0.6



admin  ban  kick 

Easy Administration of Players and Clans.

Easy Admin in LoneDesign

Better Vanish cover image

Better Vanish - 1.7.3



admin  vanish  better vanish 

Better Vanish is a must have for every server which allows the server admins or users with permission to go fully invisible to spectate / watch players.

Better Vanish in LoneDesign Better Vanish in Codefling

Skip Night cover image

Skip Night - 1.0.12



fast day  fast night  night 

Skip Night – The best plugin that allows you to skip the night on the server. In addition to instant night skipping, you can use night acceleration. You can turn on white nights (under the full moon). Your players will love it!

Skip Night in LoneDesign Skip Night in Codefling

 cover image

- 2.58.39



admin  chat  chat customization 

IQChat – a comprehensive system for managing your server’s chat.This plugin has proven itself since 2019 and remains a unique chat system plugin to this day.Extensive functionality in a beautiful design, with a large base of plugins that work seamlessly with it!

 in LoneDesign  in Codefling

Admin Gif cover image

Admin Gif - 1.0.3



admin  animated  gif 

AdminGif – Allows admins to play animated gifs on signs and photoframes.

Admin Gif in LoneDesign

Unlimited Hookup cover image

Unlimited Hookup - 1.1.1



admin  connection  industrial 

Unlimited Hookup – Admin tool to allow for unlimited pipe,wire,hose connections.

Unlimited Hookup in LoneDesign

Simple Events cover image

Simple Events - 0.0.2



events  admin  command timer 

Simple Events allows scheduling console commands for in-game events and separate timed commands.

Simple Events in LoneDesign Simple Events in Codefling

Admin Map cover image

Admin Map - 1.3.5



admin  no lag  optimized 

AdminMap – Focused on optimization and functionality, this plugin provides admins with the tools to control players effectively, minimizing the negative impact on the server and other participants.

Admin Map in LoneDesign Admin Map in Codefling

Team Score cover image

Team Score - 1.02



admin  score  server 

Team Score offers a score system, track your player’s points, and discover who the true champion of the boards is!

Team Score in LoneDesign

Twig Warning cover image

Twig Warning - 1.0.0



admin  notification  pve 

Twig Warning A Rust Plugin that optionally shows players a warning when building with Twig!

Twig Warning in LoneDesign

Toggle Notifications cover image

Toggle Notifications - 1.0.0



admin  notifications  warning 

Toggle Notifications easily allows server owners to create Notifications that broadcast at a set interval along with the ability for players to type a command that will toggle that specific notification’s visibility for that player.

Toggle Notifications in LoneDesign

Simple Radar cover image

Simple Radar - 1.0.0



admin  anticheat  better 

Simple Radar – Shows players’ names and other helpful information for admins.

Simple Radar in LoneDesign Simple Radar in Codefling

Modular Building cover image

Modular Building - 1.0.0



admin  blueprint  build 

Admin building tool: Create your own blueprints of buildings (building parts) and easily connect them to existing buildings. Build the same structures over and over again with just one click.User friendly UI to quickly select the required part or undo/remove something.

Modular Building in LoneDesign

Selective Commands cover image

Selective Commands - 1.0.4



admin  tools 

First Join and Chat Command where it triggers single/multi commands with a delay and duration for any commands needed. With the added ability to  run individual commands as from the configuration file.

Selective Commands in LoneDesign Selective Commands in Codefling

 cover image

- 1.1.2



admin  convars  menu 

Admin Menu – Track players, interact with them, edit their data and permissions, as well as change server convars and manage plugins.

 in LoneDesign  in Codefling

My Vehicle cover image

My Vehicle - 1.1.5



admin  tool  vehicle 

Vehicle spawning tool for admins or players based on permissions featuring fuel management, cooldown and despawn options. Light weighted and clean graphical user interface (GUI).

My Vehicle in LoneDesign My Vehicle in Codefling

Loot Spawner Plus cover image

Loot Spawner Plus - 1.1.4




Adds re-spawnable items with command.

Loot Spawner Plus in LoneDesign Loot Spawner Plus in Codefling

Vehicle Spawner Plus cover image

Vehicle Spawner Plus - 1.0.0



tugboat  vehicle  scrapheli 

Adds re-spawnable vehicles with command.

Vehicle Spawner Plus in LoneDesign Vehicle Spawner Plus in Codefling

Admin Troll Tool Z cover image

Admin Troll Tool Z - 1.0.0




AdminTrollToolz 1.0.0 pluginAdmin tool for trolling players!

Admin Troll Tool Z in LoneDesign

Master Key cover image

Master Key - 0.7.7



tool  access  admin 

Gain access and/or authorization to any locked object with permissions.

Master Key in MyVector Master Key in Umod

Dynamic Config cover image

Dynamic Config - 1.0.4



config  configuration  dynamic 

Allows automatically update configs of other plugins, depending on time passed since last wipe

Dynamic Config in MyVector Dynamic Config in Codefling Dynamic Config in Umod