
-empty- cover image

-empty- - 1.0.0



rewards  advertising  nickname 

The plugin gives you the opportunity to give rewards to players who add the text you specify to their nickname. The reward is a list of privileges and groups. When a player connects to the server, his nickname is checked: If the player's nickname contains the specified text, he will be added to groups, and he will be given the privileges specified in the configuration If a player's nickname does not contain the specified text, he WILL BE REMOVED from groups, and his privileges specified in the c...

-empty- in Codefling

Advert Messages cover image

Advert Messages - 3.0.2




Allows to set up messages which are broadcasted in a configured interval

Advert Messages in Umod

NameCheck cover image

NameCheck - 1.0.1



admin  name  advertising 

NameCheck checks a players name to see if it contains part of the config list and then kicks the player with a custom message. Prevent players advertising on your server with their display name. Configuration Default config looks like this { "Names": [], "Kick Message": "Change your name to enter this server" } For a single entry input it in quotations like this { "Names": [".com"], "Kick Message": "Change your name to enter this server" } For multiple entries enter them separated with a comma {...

NameCheck in Codefling

Rep Rewards cover image

Rep Rewards - 1.0.0



rep  rewards  reprewards 

Reward players for advertising your server! 😀 Players with a key of your choosing in their name will be given reoccurring rewards. Player names can have the key anywhere as long as it's continuous, examples: Key: RR RR-Username RR username useRRname usernameRR Offers full integration with ServerRewards and Economy plugins to allow for rewards such as shop points and money. Examples for each are included with the default config that are generated on the plugin's initial load. Examples for rust it...

Rep Rewards in Codefling

Z-Billboards cover image

Z-Billboards - 1.4.2



animated  billboard  billboards 

The Z-Billboards plugin gives you the ability to make billboards in no-time! With the size of these eye catchers, people WILL see your server info, vending ads or king size memes.

Z-Billboards in LoneDesign Z-Billboards in Codefling