
AutoRegeneration cover image

AutoRegeneration - 1.0.0



health  /plugins  auto 

Auto life regeneration plugin, this plugin adds HP to the player at the interval you want according to your choice

AutoRegeneration in LoneDesign AutoRegeneration in Codefling

AutoTurretTerrain cover image

AutoTurretTerrain - 1.0.0



terrain  turret  align 

Description:Transform your Rust experience with the AutoTurretTerrain plugin! This innovative tool allows players to strategically place auto turrets directly on terrain and cliffs, ensuring optimal rotation and placement without the hassle of stacking.

AutoTurretTerrain in LoneDesign AutoTurretTerrain in Codefling

Adr Proximity cover image

Adr Proximity - 1.0.0



adr  auto  demo 

Automated demo recording of players based on Proximity System!Required Dependency: Auto Demo Records and Proximity System

Adr Proximity in LoneDesign

VirtualRecycler cover image

VirtualRecycler - 1.0.2



virtual  autostart  auto 

Virtual Recycler PluginThe VirtualRecycler Plugin, developed by M&B-Studios, is a powerful tool designed for Rust server administrators and VIP players. This plugin allows players to use virtual recycling machines to quickly and efficiently recycle their surplus items.

VirtualRecycler in LoneDesign VirtualRecycler in Codefling

Auto Recycler cover image

Auto Recycler - 1.0.6



crate-recycler  vr-recycler  auto 

Auto Recycler is a Rust plugin that offers players advanced recycling features. It enables automatic item recycling, access to a virtual recycler, and special recycling crates. With admin permission, you can configure which items players are not allowed to automatically recycle.

Auto Recycler in LoneDesign Auto Recycler in Codefling

Industrial Dung cover image

Industrial Dung - 0.1.6



industrial  horse  composter 

Allows to automate horse dung gathering, by adding Industial Adapters and BoxStorage to the HitchTrough and Composter. Also auto spliting dungs in the Composter container. Note: During plugin unloading, modified entities are not removed, to prevent the removal of pipes every time the plugin/server is restarted. To remove modifications from entities, you should use the "idung unload" command. industrialdung.admin - Provides unrestricted access to the plugin's functionality. This includes the abil...

Industrial Dung in Codefling Industrial Dung in LoneDesign

ESP Detection cover image

ESP Detection - 1.1.2



admin  tool  esp 

This is a simple tool to help you catch ESPer's. Unlike methods in the past requiring cheaters to fall for traps, this one will be watching without having to give them any bait! This plugin is still in "beta" and is offered at a reduced price for a limited time. Since 1.0.12, the embed now includes a radar image to show violations (red line): The above embed shows the culprit, with quick links to Steam, Battlemetrics, and ServerArmour. Along with each violation that caused the trigger, the consi...

ESP Detection in Codefling ESP Detection in LoneDesign

ADR Arkan cover image

ADR Arkan - 1.0.1



demo  recorder  auto 

ADR Arkan - Watches all events related to Arkan violations Triggers recordings When a player receives a `No Recoil Violation` violation from Arkan When a player receives an `Aimbot Violation` violation from Arkan When a player receives an `In Rock Violation` violation from Arkan Configuration Set recording length per violation type. Start recording only when X number of violations received per violation type. NOTE: Requires Auto Demo Record and Arkan

ADR Arkan in Codefling ADR Arkan in LoneDesign

Auto Base Upgrade cover image

Auto Base Upgrade - 1.2.1



auto  madmap  serverrust 

The plugin allows players to automatically improve and repai their buildings with just one button

Auto Base Upgrade in LoneDesign Auto Base Upgrade in Codefling

Car Sharing cover image

Car Sharing - 1.1.5



cars  carsharing  modular cars 

CarSharing – Adds to your server the ability to rent a car and ride it all over the map. You can also install bots in which you can rent a car.

Car Sharing in LoneDesign Car Sharing in Codefling

Skirmish cover image

Skirmish - 1.0.5



arena  battle  monument 

Skirmish is a plugin and prefab combo that generates paintball games on your server.

Skirmish in LoneDesign Skirmish in Codefling

Industrial Quarry cover image

Industrial Quarry - 1.3.3



auto  farming  industrial 

Industrial Quarry – Attaches, Industrial parts to quarries that players can connect into.

Industrial Quarry in LoneDesign

Auto Pilot cover image

Auto Pilot - 1.0.32



auto  car  npc 

This AutoPilot Rust plugin allows you to easily sit into any car or helicopter, and get anywhere you want using the autopilot!

Auto Pilot in LoneDesign Auto Pilot in Codefling

 cover image

- 2.0.3



automated  bot  chat 

Automated chat messages based on chat keywords, triggers or timer. You can also register custom chat commands with your own custom replies.

 in LoneDesign  in Codefling

Always Bonus cover image

Always Bonus - 1.0.0



always  auto  bonus 

Always Bonus makes the players always hit the “X” markers on trees and “hotspots” on nodes

Always Bonus in LoneDesign Always Bonus in Codefling