
Polls cover image

Polls - 1.1.0



polls  feedback  community 

Polls is a plugin that allows you to receive feedback from your players via a GUI. When a player joins your server, if a poll is active, they will be presented by a GUI with the poll questions you set in the config. Alternatively, if they don't want to participate in the poll, they can close out of the GUI. Run polls for a specified amount of time. Store poll results in a file. Send poll results to Discord via a webhook. /startpoll <duration> - Start a poll using the settings in the config...

Polls in Codefling

Emotipedia cover image

Emotipedia - 1.1.1



raecast  emote  emoji 

If you're looking to create a fun, community chatting environment for your players, Emotipedia allows players to use emotes! When an emote keyword is recognised in a chat message, the emote shows up on all of your players screens! Features Emotes fade in on a random position on screen Fully configurable emote library (any small square image via URL will work!) Twitch Emotes (BTTV, FFZ) Discord Emotes Any emotes! (not animated though 😞 ) Uses image caching (100% crisp emotes for all players, even...

Emotipedia in Codefling

Raid Schedules cover image

Raid Schedules - 1.0.0



alert  antiraid  community 

Raid Schedules – Want to include raid schedules into your community server without blocking damages? This is the perfect plugin for you!

Raid Schedules in LoneDesign Raid Schedules in Codefling