CountryBlocker - 1.0.5
country blocker countryblockerWith this plugin you can allow countries to play on your server. I will add a link with the country abbreviations Config: { "Countries": { "AF": { "Name": "Afghanistan", "Is Blocked?": false }, "AX": { "Name": "Aland Islands", "Is Blocked?": false }, "AL": { "Name": "Albania", "Is Blocked?": false }, "DZ": { "Name": "Algeria", "Is Blocked?": false }, "AS": { "Name": "American Samoa", "Is Blocked?": false }, "AD": { "Name": "Andorra", "Is Blocked?": false }, ...
Country Locker - 1.0.0
country lockerQuote Now you can deny or allow entry from the countries you select Open UI - /cl P.s - (My Discord - tofurahie#4144)