Report Record - 1.0.1
report f7 damoWhen a player presses F7 to report on your server, it will record the player's report and save it to the data directory. No configuration file, installation can be used Added Discord webhook (Webhook belongs in the CS file) F7 report is now also sent to discord The recorded text content includes : Cumulative number of reports initiated by players Report detail Report date and time Initiating Player - name Target player - name Target player - SteamID Report title Report content Report type
Death Message - 1.1.2
death deathfeed damoEasy to use Death Message ! Less CPU, Less memory ! No redundant code, No redundant permissions, No redundant settings, Easy to use! Automatically identify the name of an NPC whose name has been changed by the plugins Automatically identify the name of the weapon whose name has been changed by the plugins Each player can change their display mode Anything that can be killed can be individually set to display death messages Mode message display mode : FloatUI The default setting is that the messa...
Custom Wings - 1.0.8
wings skins npcwingsPlayers or NPCs add wings with custom skins,It is compatible with any NPC plugin. You can add wings with specific skins to the system NPC OR Plug-in NPC You can also specify the wings of the skin for the player You can make the skin you think looks good and define it as wings In fact, wings are carpets that have changed their skin There are 12 kinds of wings in the current configuration file, maybe I will make more for it later You can also choose to make your own skins as wings Player chat comm...
Report Record - 1.0.1
report record f7 report record reportWhen a player presses F7 to report on your server, it will record the player's report and save it to the data directory. No configuration file, installation can be used Added Discord webhook (Webhook belongs in the CS file) F7 report is now also sent to discord The recorded text content includes : Cumulative number of reports initiated by players Report detail Report date and time Initiating Player - name Target player - name Target player - SteamID Report title Report content Report type
Strong Egg - 1.0.3
attack egg strongegg reward eggKill different entities with different eggs to get different rewards,Increase the fun of gaming ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purchase Notes: I can't promise I'll be maintaining it for a long time, so it could be taken down at any time! After locking the target with an egg, a transparent dome will be created 5 meters below the target position, which will disappear after 10 seconds If you use other plugi...
BackPack Pro - 1.2.3
backpack backpackpro unlimited capacity backpackFeatures, can display the physical backpack 3D model, Capacity of the backpack can be 9999+ It allows the player to display the 3D model backpack behind 3D Model can be BackPack or Small stash,and can set the size of the model The capacity of the backpack can be 9999+ or more ! Different 3D backpack models and sizes can be specified for different players ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purchase Notes : (It ...
Custom Wings - 1.0.8
wings skins custom skinPlayers or NPCs add wings with custom skins,It is compatible with any NPC plugin. You can add wings with specific skins to the system NPC OR Plug-in NPC You can also specify the wings of the skin for the player You can make the skin you think looks good and define it as wings In fact, wings are carpets that have changed their skin There are 12 kinds of wings in the current configuration file, maybe I will make more for it later You can also choose to make your own skins as wings Player chat comm...
Death Message - 1.1.2
death tips death notice death messageEasy to use Death Message ! Less CPU, Less memory ! No redundant code, No redundant permissions, No redundant settings, Easy to use! Automatically identify the name of an NPC whose name has been changed by the plugins Automatically identify the name of the weapon whose name has been changed by the plugins Each player can change their display mode Anything that can be killed can be individually set to display death messages Mode message display mode : FloatUI The default setting is that the messa...