Free Hot-Air Balloon - 2.0.0
hab hotairballoon fuelMakes Hot-Air Balloons usable for free. Good-to-Know: Fuel Storage is locked; Player can't open it. Fuel doesn't drop at Hot-Air Balloon destruction. Config File: My plugins are designed to adapt to your needs through a rich configuration file. { "Plugin Settings": { "maxFuel": 500, "minFuel": 100 }, "System Settings": { "Show optional logged messages in the console (boolean)": true } } Scalable Designed and Optimized for Performance The plugins are developed with a primary objective to be very ...
Space - 1.3.7
airship ballon battlefrontThe plugin allows players to visit a cold atmospheric Space void of gravity and oxygen, and visit an International Space Station!
Paraplane - 1.0.4
biplane fun jetpackParaplane – Paragliders have the ability to gain altitude with the help of an engine on the player’s back, as well as gain more speed in comparison with a parachute.