Sa Combat Log Info - 1.0.13
serverarmour pho3nix90 combatlogAll your servers combatlogs are streamed realtime to a simplistic screen
ESP Detection - 1.1.2
admin tool espThis is a simple tool to help you catch ESPer's. Unlike methods in the past requiring cheaters to fall for traps, this one will be watching without having to give them any bait! This plugin is still in "beta" and is offered at a reduced price for a limited time. Since 1.0.12, the embed now includes a radar image to show violations (red line): The above embed shows the culprit, with quick links to Steam, Battlemetrics, and ServerArmour. Along with each violation that caused the trigger, the consi...
ADR Watch - For auto demo recorder - 1.0.2
demo recorder autoADR Watch – Watches all events related to banned players, to easily catch evaders. Triggers recordings When a player enters a code correctly on a banned player’s locks When a player auths/deauths or clears a banned players TC When a player deauths on a TC NOTE: Requires Auto Demo Record
ADR Arkan - 1.0.1
demo recorder autoADR Arkan - Watches all events related to Arkan violations Triggers recordings When a player receives a `No Recoil Violation` violation from Arkan When a player receives an `Aimbot Violation` violation from Arkan When a player receives an `In Rock Violation` violation from Arkan Configuration Set recording length per violation type. Start recording only when X number of violations received per violation type. NOTE: Requires Auto Demo Record and Arkan
Auto Demo Recorder - Premium - 1.3.0
demo recorder autoRecords players automatically that have been reported X amount of times, with the ability to automatically upload the combat logs & Demo files to a discord webhook. Disk usage whilst recording: +- 1MB per 1 minute. Discord has an 8mb upload limit and 100mb for nitro. Chat Commands: /record - Chat: This will initiate a self-recording. Console Commands autodemorecord.record [steam64id] [minutes] - Console: Usefull to record a player on demand, or a schedule from another plugin. autodemorecord....
Stash Warning System - 1.4.8
stash warning toolAssists in finding ESPers that unearth stashes, it also allows admins to make placing bait stashes easy and simple, by automatically filling predefined items in random, and disables the ability for admins to accidentally unearth stashes whilst enabled. It will also automatically delete all contents of an admin stash when unearthed, which assists in admin abuse and/or exploitation of hackers. Supports Auto Demo Recorder (ADR) Supports Better Ban System Supports Server Armour Features: Notifies to...