Life Vest - 0.6.2
lifevest revive respawnGive players a unique way to revive at death location.
Death Modifier - 1.0.5
death modifier khanFor a price $ players can auto revive right where they left off inventory an all! Included with unlimited permissions, blacklist system, container limits, currency support & more! Features * Black List & Black list chat command for ban / unban of items. * Permission support. * Specified Containers via perms. * Charge Economics & Economics debt or Server-Rewards RP. * Respawns player at same location they died at. * If you don't have a permission it doesn't apply to you. * Currency re...
Revive Player - 1.1.5
lone revive serverRevives the player where he died and gives him back all the loot he died with for a cost of eco