Wall Paper Tool - 1.0.1
decal spray wallpaperWallPaperTool, Your new best friend for customizing wallpapers and spray cans.
No Free Spray - 0.0.2
spray spraycan fixThis Harmony Plugin prevents ALL players who own the spray can from being able to use ONLY free spraying with the spray can. This means it still allows both the reskinning of entities, and allows the spray images (the ones similar to CS:GO). It will only prevent the use of the free spray, the one that allows a user to draw with the spray can. This means for servers who disabled the Spray Can because it was allowing players to spray things they shouldn't now can enable it! My next goal is to make...
Custom Graffiti - 1.1.1
graffiti spray paintGraphical interface for selecting graffiti Using graffiti by all players on your server without purchasing DLC Adding your graffiti pictures Working with permissions for your privileges on the server Totorial: Commands: /graffiti - Opens graffiti menu (commands are configured in the config) Config: { "List of SkinID graffiti": { "13060": { "Name": "Rock", "Permission": "CustomGraffiti.default" }, "13061": { "Name": "Hazmat", "Permission": "CustomGraffiti.default" }, "13062": { "Name": "Beancan",...
Spray Skins - 2.3.2
skins spray imagelibraryQuote Now you can pick up the spray and change the skin of items in your home permission for use - sprayskins.use permission for workshop's skins - sprayskin.workshop Open UI - fire button or command /spray (you need to look at the object whose skin you want to change at the same time hold the spray in the hands) FEATURES: Change skinID with spray All steam workshop skins Skins from config { "Command": "spray", "all - workshop + your config | config - only from config | workshop - only from work...