Admin Video - 1.0.6
ads advertisement cheatersUse Admin Video to send forced videos to cheaters, or advertisements to players. You can even use it to show a welcome video (either on first join to the server, or first join on wipe)
Admin Video - 1.0.1
admin troll trollingWant to troll cheaters you have on your server? Maybe you have taken a clip of them cheating, or want to rick roll them. Then this is the plugin for you! A friend had wanted to know how he could send a video to play on a cheaters screen, because this person was streaming while cheating, and he had clipped it. This plugin integrates with Rust's built in "client.playvideo" command, but with the added benefit of being able to just supply a Youtube URL, or a Twitch URL. The integration with the Twit...
Troll System - 0.6.0
admin trolling banTrolls players into thinking they were muted/unmuted or banned/unbanned, but not actually
Hide And Seek - 0.1.3
events gamemode funThe classic game mode of Hide and Seek. Hide from the imposter until only one crewmate remains
AdminCuff - 1.0.6
admin cuffs cheater trollingAdds the ability to cuff players permanently. AdminCuffs will not be able to be broken out with the minigame and will be temporarily removed upon dieing and reassigned on respawning or recovering. Fall damage wiil also be disabled for cuffed players to make it harder to die and to prevent cheaters using their "F1 kill" alternative. You can also force the player into god mode to not die. If enabled no turrets or npcs will target the cuffed player. Commands /cuff <Player> <Godmode? True&g...