
PointsUI cover image

PointsUI - 1.0.1



points  cod  point 

PointsUI is a Rust server plugin that introduces stylistic user interface elements that indicate the gain of points due to different events. The plugin is highly configurable and comes with a set of built-in events, as of version 1.0.1, these built-in events include Eliminations - issued when a player kills another player Knocks - issued when a player wounds another player Assists - issued when a player kills a wounded player that had been wounded by someone else Headshots - issued when a kill (...

PointsUI in Codefling

Team Announce cover image

Team Announce - 0.1.7



team  leader  announce 

GUI and sound announcements to online players who has teammates. Announcements about teammates who have connected, disconnected, been injured or killed while sleeping. Also, announcements from the team leader, in Team chat channel using "!" as a first char. { "ImageLibrary Counter Check": 5, "Team Announce command": "teama", "Use GameTip for reply messages?": true, "Sound Announce Enabled": true, "Announce from Leader Enabled": true, "Announce Wounded Distance": 100.0, "Announce Wounded Scream D...

Team Announce in Codefling Team Announce in LoneDesign