Balance Status - 1.0.0
status simplestatus balanceFuture: You can check the money in the status. Q&A Q: How to change Color A: Use hexcode [Background, Title, Text, Image] Can change Colors Config: { "Balance Settings": { "RefreshTime": 10.0, "balances": { "Economics": { "Enable": true, "BackgroundColor": "4CAF50", "Title": "Economics", "TitleColor": "FFFF00", "TextColor": null, "Image": "", "ImageColor": "FFFF00", "RefreshTime": 0.0 }, "ServerRewards": { "Enable": true, "BackgroundColor": "FFD700", "Title": "...
XFastButtons ( Custom Buttons ) - 1.0.2
buttons custom buttons fastXFastButtons - custom buttons for your server. Quote -> In the code you can switch the plugin language - LanguageEnglish = true <- - Optimization of the interface for different monitor resolutions. - Storing player data in - oxide/data/XDataSystem/XFastButtons - There is a lang ru/en/uk/es. - Sound effects when interacting with the menu. - Various settings for buttons. [ Font, Text, Command, Image, Color, Size, Coordinates, Parent Layer ] - A handy list of buttons under the slots. - Easy a...
The Extinguisher - 1.0.0
TheExtinguisher gives players with permission the ability to put out fires with snowball's Permissions TheExtinguisher.use Config { "ShortName -> Items": { //// Spawning snowball and guns into world "crate_elite": [ { "1. ShortName": "snowballgun", "2. Chance": 10.0, "3. Minimal amount": 1, "4. Maximal Amount": 1, "6. Display Name": "SnowballGun" }, { "1. ShortName": "snowball", "2. Chance": 20.0, "3. Minimal amount": 2, "4. Maximal Amount": 10, "6. Display Name": "SnowBall" } ], "crate_norma...
CombatBlock - 1.1.1
combat combat block combatblockCombatBlock is a classic plugin that serves as a great addition to the RaidBlock (NoEscape) plugin. This plugin features extensive settings and several types of modern design. It has a cohesive style and pairs excellently with the RaidBlock plugin. Provide your players with an optimized and stylish plugin that will operate quickly and seamlessly. Quote How to install images? Go to the /data/CombatBlock/ folder and transfer the Images folder from the archive there, then reload the plugin. List of...
Zone Status - 0.1.4
zone zones mangerThe plugin displays the current zone or monument to the player in the status bar. Depends on ZoneManager, MonumentsWatcher and AdvancedStatus plugins. P.S. The settings for each zone or monument are located in the ".\oxide\data\ZoneStatus" folder. The ability to display the player's current monument; The ability to automatically change monuments names when the player switches languages; The ability to display the player's current zone; The ability to enable or disable visibility for each of the ...
Advanced Random Scarecrow Spawner - 2.0.0
zombie scarecrow npcI WILL HAVE A MINOR UPDATE COMING OUT SOON I HAVE BEEN INACTIVE OVER THE HOLIDAYS AND ALSO HAD A CORRUPT HARDDRIVE AND LOST PROGRESS ON WHAT I HAD DONE. Features Advanced customization of Random Scarecrow Spawner. Spawns Scarecrows configurable in 5 different loadouts near the player adjusted with configurable options, logging, and custom loot. Plans Future plans will include selectable NPC type, Config to adjust stats for Scarecrows, custom and global spawn setup, support for range weapons and ...
Car Heist - 1.1.8
CarHeist adds a Modulercar with a TimedCrate, that can only be hacked whiles driving ,to your server Permissions CarHeist.use - gives the ability to a player to use spawn command Commands /smc -- spawns a Heist Car Config { "1. Auto spawn Cars": true, "2. Hack time in minutes (Clamped between 1 and 15)": 5.0, "3. Use Armoured Cockpit": false, "4. Use Armoured Passanger seats": false, "5. Time between hacking broadcasts (in seconds)": 60.0, "6. Dont hack in Safezone or Building Privlidge": true, ...
PopCommand - 1.0.2
chat message adminFeatures - Displays the serveur population infos - Tweak the information displayed in the chat Permissions - popcommand.use - Allows player to use the /pop command if requiered in config - popcommand.admin - Allows player to use the /apop command Commands - pop - Displays the population infos - apop - Displays the full population infos (for admins) Also work with the ! prefix (such as !pop) Configuration Default configuration: { "Use permission for lambda players": false, "Broadcast to every pla...
XFarmRoom - 1.0.2
farm farmroom roomXFarmRoom - farm room of ores for your server. Good donate for players. Quote -> In the code you can switch the plugin language - LanguageEnglish = true <- - Optimization of the interface for different monitor resolutions. - Storing player data in - oxide/data/XDataSystem/XFarmRoom - There is a lang ru/en/uk/es. - Sound effects when interacting with the menu. - In the room is forbidden: pick up prefabs that are in the room, install anything in the room, damage the room, use console/chat co...
Simple Status - 1.1.4
api statusOverview Provides an API for adding custom status messages that fit in with those of vanilla Rust. This plugin requires another plugin to utilize it, it does not do anything on its own. Check out the "Works With" list above for some plugins that utilize this API. Commands /ts Toggles the visibility of statuses for a player. This command can be changed in the config settings. /simplestatus.clearcache Clears the cache and status data. Only useable as an admin or from the server console. Mostly hel...
InfinityTurretSamSite - 1.0.20
infinity turret samsiteThe plugin does not have a config, you just issue a permit and the player will have turrets without requiring a cartridge. Air defense permits: infinityturretsamsite.samsite Turret permits: infinityturretsamsite.turret The name of the permission can be changed in the plugin on line 8-9.
VyHub – Community Management and Shop System [Umod / Oxide & Carbon] - 2.0.7
shop store webshopWe make your job as an admin easier by covering every aspect of managing your server and community with our service. Key features are: * Shop system (unlimited categories, server and package options) * Over 20 payment integrations (PayPal, Paysafecard, Stripe, ...) * Gift function * Website for your community * Discord roles and notifications * Ban and warning system * Synchronization of groups/ranks * Ticketing system * Available in multiple languages * Forum (as a paid add-on) * Quick support ...
KDR Kill Death Ratio - 1.0.1
This plugin provides players with the ability to view their kills, deaths, and KDR (Kill/Death Ratio). It also features a top 10 leaderboard showing the players with the highest KDR. Features: - Track player kills, deaths, and calculate KDR. - Display individual player's kills, deaths, and KDR. - Display a leaderboard of top 10 players with the highest KDR. Commands: - /kdr: Displays the player's kills, deaths, and KDR. - /kdrtop: Displays the top 10 players with the highest KDR. Permissions: - ...
Advanced Status - 0.1.14
advanced status barUseful auxiliary plugin that allows other plugins to customize the status bar through an API. Note: AdvancedStatus does not display any bars on its own. This is done by other plugins that work with it. An example plugin demonstrating interaction with AdvancedStatus. The ability to specify the frequency of calculating the number of bars; The ability to specify the order of the bar; The ability to change the height of the bar; The abillity to customize the color and transparency of the background;...
ItemEverySecond - 1.0.0
This plugin gives players random items every second. Players with the permission "itemeverysecond.use" will receive a random item in their inventory at regular intervals. The items are configurable in the plugin's configuration file. If a player's inventory is full, a message will be displayed, and the plugin will attempt to give items in subsequent intervals. Features: Random item distribution every second. Configurable list of items in the plugin's configuration file. Permission system to cont...
EverLight - 3.5.0
configurationEverlight allows infinite light from configured objects without consuming or using any fuel resources. You can also enable no resource usage on furnaces and/or refineries by enabling them in the configuration file. "Barbeque","Camp Fire","Cursed Cauldron","Chinese Lantern","Stone Fireplace","Furnace","Large Furnace","Jack O Lantern Angry","Jack O Lantern Happy","Lantern","Skull Fire Pit","Small Oil Refinery","Tuna Can Lamp", "Hobo Barrel" Configuration The settings and options can be configured ...
Advanced Status Demo - 0.1.2
advanced status barThis plugin demonstrates the integration with the AdvancedStatus plugin. It displays the amount of a specific item in the player's inventory in the status bar. In this case, it's Scrap, to track a different item, replace the itemID value on line 16 with the ID of the desired item. This plugin can be downloaded by plugin developers as a reference to understanding how to work with the AdvancedStatus and by server owners to easily display desired items in the status bar.
Balance Bar - 0.1.5
economy economics currencyThe plugin displays the player's balance in the status bar. Depends on BankSystem/ServerRewards/Economics and AdvancedStatus plugins. P.S. I've asked the author of the ServerRewards plugin to add a new hook called OnPointsUpdated to track points updates. Until they decide to add the new hook, if you want point updates, you'll need to manually add 2 lines to the ServerRewards plugin. On lines 1822 and 1847, you need to add the code(below) before "return true;" Interface.CallHook("OnPointsUpdated"...
Events Voting - 1.0.0
voting pool eventsWhat differentiates our plugins from others is the ability to create votes for customized server events in addition to our exclusive and modern design, making it stand out among other servers! A modern and elegant interface inspired by the design of the game League of Legends; Fully customizable interface; Multiple chat commands; Different permission for each sub command; Different cooldown for each event; Plugin default events; Option to enable/disable events without deleting them; Customized i...
Chest slot config - 1.1.1
conveyor industrial storageThe problem: Let's be honest: each of us found himself in a situation with too much storage containers and without any knowledge on where to find which item. Sure, you could just add some storage adaptors and pipes to your boxes but then you'll need to configurate each conveyor and care about splitting, routing and combining multiple pipes with multiple conveyors. Finally set up, the items - configured in the conveyor filters - will just be thrown into the next free slot and it will still be a b...
My Posi - 1.0.0
myposi posi my posiThis small plugin displays your current position in the format x, y, z. It is particularly useful for plugins that support custom coordinates. #Permission myinfo.use - Grants the user permission to use the /myposi command. #Command /myposi - By using the command /myposi, you can display your current position in the chat. #Localization The plugin currently supports English and German. English { "NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use this command!", "Position": "You posi is: ", "Plugin...
Encryption Bug Fix - 1.0.1
server.encryption 1 server.encryption 2 encryption bugWhen joining your server, you must have encountered the bug that most admin commands weren't working even though you've had auth level 1 or 2. The only solution for this bug was to set the server encryption to level 1. However, using that convar is highly inadvisable because it disables EAC encryption and allows cheaters to intercept network packets. This plugin will set the encryption level to 1 for admins but will leave it on 2 for everyone else, so you don't have to change the server encrypti...
UItemSort - 1.0.8
sort sorting itemUItemSort UItemSort - this plugin allows the player to sort, and stack items in boxes and inventory. Plugin config variables "Use button images?": false, "Send plugin messages/reply?": true, "Sort button color.": "0.968627453 0.921568632 0.882352948 0.2", "Take similar button color.": "0.968627453 0.921568632 0.882352948 0.2", "Take all button color.": "0.968627453 0.921568632 0.882352948 0.2", "Sort image.": "", "Similar image.": "",...
Redirect - 1.0.1
redirect connect connectionSimple plugin to redirect players to your new server with a configurable chat message. Config: { "RedirectDelay": 10.0, "RedirectMessage": "<size=20><color=red>Warning</color>: You will be redirected to the new server in {0} seconds.</size>", "ServerIP": "", "ServerPort": "28015" } Permissions: o.grant group admin redirect.admin
Explosives Detonation - 1.0.0
Explosives Detonation allows explosives to be detonated upon shooting them. It is a simple yet effective plugin designed to enhance gameplay by providing an additional layer of interactivity with explosives. This plugin doesn't require any configuration.
ReflectDamage - 1.6.0
Features Reflect configurable damage and bleeding back to players who attack other players. Disabled inside of ZoneManager PVP and DynamicPVP zones Disabled inside of AbandonedBases Works with TruePVE Config { "ApplyBleeding": true, "BleedingIntensity": 5.0, "EnableDamageToVictim": false, "ReflectPercentage": 50.0 } Permissions Auth level 2 required to set permissions oxide.grant user <steamID/username> reflectdamage.use or oxide.grant group <groupname> reflectdamage.use API - Next u...
Custom Command UI - 1.0.0
CustomCommandUI is a Plugin to list commands players can use in a nice UI Every forgot commands as Admin or Mod ? This is our solution to this problem Note!! Commands listed in Config can be filtered by usergroup to allow different groups to use different commands players will only be able to use command if they have original permission for that command from that plugin there are 2 types of parameters 1. playerselect (opens the player select menu) 2.textinput (opens text input menu) and 4 parame...
Friendly Fire - 1.0.1
teams clans friendlyfireFriendlyFire Gives you the ability to enable or disable friendly fire for teams, clans, clan allies and Friends. Permissions No specific permissions required. Only team leaders can change the friendly fire state for their team. Configuration { "Command": "ff", "Send warning message to attacker when friendly fire is off": true, "Include check if friend": true, "Include check if team member": true, "Include check if clan member": true, "Include check if clan allies": true } Command: The chat comma...
Discord TicketBot - 1.0.0
discord ticket discordbot-This bot is just a plugin, does not requires nodejs or python! Features -Creating ticket with button -Closing ticket with button -Localization Config { "Bot Token": "", "Discord Server ID (Optional if bot only in 1 guild)": "", "CategoryID (where the tickets will create": "", "Discord Channel ID where the ticket create button send": "", "Don't edit this field!!!": "" } To do: -Users can be choose ticket categorys -Ticket logging -Ticket title on under the bot
AI Translation (FREE) - 0.0.1
gpt translate translationThis is a free version of the AITranslation plugin. It enables you to translate all the language files of your plugins into any desired language with a simple command. 🔒 Limited Features in Free Version In this version, features are limited, and you only have access to file translations. Visit the AITranslation Pro page if you wish to obtain the version without limitations. 🔧 Commands: ait.translateplugin <plugin name> <lang>: If the plugin has a default language file (in English), a...
TeleportGun - 1.0.0
teleport gunThe “Teleport Gun” plugin allows players to teleport to the destination using a special weapon. Plugin Command and Permission: Command: /portgun Permission: teleportgun.use Configurability: The plugin's configuration file provides various customization options: Enable/disable teleport cooldown (TeleportCooldownEnabled) Set the duration of teleport cooldown in seconds (TeleportCooldownSeconds) Enable/disable blocking of teleports during combat (TeleportBlockDuringCombat) Set the duration of comba...
ElectricFurnaceCharcoal - 1.0.2
Makes electric furnaces produce charcoal while powered. Permission electricfurnacecharcoal.efcharcoal.use
Proper Protection - 1.1.0
Proper Protection is a robust plugin designed for enhanced server protection with a user-friendly approach. This innovative plugin offers the options of constant online protection, timed offline protection, and a user-friendly way to set which entities are protected. Online protection, when activated, safeguards configured entities for the entire clan while any player in the clan is online. When the entire clan is offline, the protection seamlessly transitions to offline settings. In instances w...
OffPlugin - 1.0.3
load unload serverOffPlugin simplifies plugin management on your Rust server by providing absolute control right from the start. Auto unload plugin on server loading. With intuitive "add," "remove," and "list" commands, server administrators can effortlessly customize their gaming environment. Efficient Automation: Avoid unnecessary overload by automatically excluding plugins on startup, thanks to straightforward commands. Console Commands OffPlugin add (pluginname) : Instantly add a plugin to the exclusion list,...
Reporter - 0.1.1
reporting report system reportWhat is it? Reporter is a administration plugin to make sure your playerbase is happy. Usage? If anything bad is going on, make sure that your players can report it to you via nice UI menu and that admins can check that. Permissions: reporter.use - Basic permission to allow open menu and create New report. reporter.admin - Admin permission to allow view to Live Reports and ability to see/manage pop-up report reporter.sadmin - SuperAdmin permission to allow view to Reports history and see stats o...
Auto Recycler - 1.0.6
auto virtuel allinonePlugin Description "Auto Recycler" is a Rust plugin that offers players advanced recycling features. It enables automatic item recycling, access to a virtual recycler, and special recycling crates. With admin permission, you can configure which items players are not allowed to automatically recycle. Features Automatic Recycling: Players can set specific items for automatic recycling. These items will be recycled automatically when they enter their inventory. Virtual Recycler: Allows players to a...