AvG Лаймон workshop
aTimeAPI - 1.1.3
api time hooksProvides API and Hooks which called when in-game day/night and real second/hour/day/month/year started. Has no functional by itself. Usable only as plugin dependency. Configuration { "Rust day start time (hour)": 7.5, "Rust night start time (hour)": 20.0 } API aTimeAPI.Call<bool>("IsDayInRustNow"); Hooks void OnRealSecond() // called every real second void OnRustDayStarted() // called right arter in-game day was started void OnRustNightStarted() // called right arter in-game night was star...
aRewards - 1.0.1
daily rewardYou can reset recieved rewards every day or wipe. You can give multiple commands/items to player in one reward. You can set any position and size for chest (ui). Has langs for each of your reward. Has EN and RU versions in archive. You can get the fastest support in our Discord: Alias™ dev. Default Configuration { "Clear data on wipe?": false, "Clear data every real day?": true, "Disable chest ui after recieving all rewards?": true, "Chat avatar SteamID": 0, "UI Settings": { "Closed chest image ...