BlueDeer workshop

Invisible Lock For Interior Design cover image

Invisible Lock For Interior Design - 1.0.0



/plugins  fun 

Invisible Lock for Interior Design[Description]This plugin is designed for use on PVE servers and similar environments.When using buildings like skin garage doors or windows for appearance purposes, it allows you to install a lock that is invisible, so it doesn’t disrupt the aesthetic. Neither the player nor any outsiders can open the locked doors. The lock is not visible when installed, and only the server’s absolute authority, the admin, can open the door.

Invisible Lock For Interior Design in LoneDesign

Decorative Tree Planting (permission-based) cover image

Decorative Tree Planting (permission-based) - 1.0.0



/decorating  /home  /permission 

Description: This plugin allows you to plant trees for decorative purposes on PVE servers and similar environments. It works in a ‘permission-based’ fashion, allowing unlimited use for VIPs and donors. A randomly selected tree of a certain type is placed with each command.

Decorative Tree Planting (permission-based) in LoneDesign

Decorative Tree Planting (item-based) cover image

Decorative Tree Planting (item-based) - 1.0.0



/decoration  /design  /shop 

Description: This plugin allows you to plant trees for decoration purposes on PVE servers and other environments. It works in an ‘item-based, old-fashioned’ fashion, granting permission to plant trees through certain items, so they can be used in the in-game store. Each item grants permission to plant trees by selecting them as registered in a specific type.Note: You can add more depending on your settings.wskin : A plugin that loads skins and items.Auto-link to store : This is a must if you plan on selling such items in your in-game store (or vending machine, etc).

Decorative Tree Planting (item-based) in LoneDesign