Bojack workshop
MinicopterSpawnPlugin - 1.0.0
bojackA very simple plugin that allows a player to spawn a minicopter nearby if they're carrying 750 scrap. (scrap price for minicopter can be set in config) The epitome of simple plugins. Feel free to mess with it, incorporate it into your own plugins, break it, and whatever else!
SimpleHUD - 1.0.0
hud display timeThis plugin adds an extremely simple (non-invasive) ingame hud to the top right of your screen. /showhud - enable/disable the ingame hud (client-side, will only affect player that runs the command) I plan on updating and adding to this over time so feel free to make suggestions!
Death Messages - 1.0.0
death alerts teamDeath Messages is a very simple plugin that provides a customisable message on player death, as well as notifying the player's team of their death and who they were killed by. Messages can be changed via a configuration file & currently deaths caused by player, NPC and suicide are supported with support for other causes coming in the near future. Config: { "PlayerCausedMessages": [ "{player}, you were killed by {killer}. Better luck next time!", "{player}, you were outsmarted by {killer}. Ti...
Time Check 2.0 - 1.0.0
hud chat timeTime Check provides a simple global chat command for players to check the ingame time, as well as providing information on how long it'll be until the next morning or night. Players can use the command !time once per minute - Time Check works with day length plugins including TimeOfDay as the time until day/night counter measures ingame hours rather than real-time hours. Cooldown timer & message colours can be easily edited via the file itself, however feel free to reach out on Discord if yo...
Discord Feedback - 1.0.0
tools discord reportDiscord Feedback takes ingame comments from your players and outputs them straight to your chosen Discord channel! Includes: Player Steam Profile Link, Battlemetrics Link, Name Server Name Feedback Submitted By Player Date Submitted readme file included for help setting up a Discord webhook! - your webhook URL can be added via the main plugin file.
Horse Switcher - 1.0.1
horse switcherVery basic plugin that automatically switches all ridable horses ingame to a black or white thoroughbred (the fastest horse breed available). Works on horses spawned automatically and manually. Enable logging via config file (HorseModifier.json).