Bxcas workshop
Friendly Fire - 1.0.1
teams clans friendlyfireFriendlyFire Gives you the ability to enable or disable friendly fire for teams, clans, clan allies and Friends. Permissions No specific permissions required. Only team leaders can change the friendly fire state for their team. Configuration { "Command": "ff", "Send warning message to attacker when friendly fire is off": true, "Include check if friend": true, "Include check if team member": true, "Include check if clan member": true, "Include check if clan allies": true } Command: The chat comma...
PlayerVisionTracer - 1.0.0
admin player hackerPlayerVisionTracer is a powerful Rust Oxide plugin designed to give server administrators unprecedented insights into player behavior. By visualizing where players are looking in real-time, admins can monitor suspicious activity, guide new players, and manage in-game events more effectively. Key Features: Real-Time Visualization: Draws lines and arrows from players' eyes to where they are looking. Configurable Settings: Customize line color, thickness, length, and more. Permission-Based Targetin...