Chernarust workshop
Random Scarecrow Spawner - 1.2.0
Features Chance to randomly spawn a scarecrow near players, this is disabled inside of safe zones, TC range, and for sleeping players. Config: { "SpawnChance": 0.1, "CheckInterval": 60.0, "SpawnDistance": 20.0, "MaxScarecrowsPerPlayer": 3, "OneHitHeadshotKill": true } Permissions Auth level 2 required to set permissions oxide.grant user <steamID/username> randomscarecrowspawner.use oxide.grant group <groupname> randomscarecrowspawner.use Advanced version
ReflectDamage - 1.6.0
Features Reflect configurable damage and bleeding back to players who attack other players. Disabled inside of ZoneManager PVP and DynamicPVP zones Disabled inside of AbandonedBases Works with TruePVE Config { "ApplyBleeding": true, "BleedingIntensity": 5.0, "EnableDamageToVictim": false, "ReflectPercentage": 50.0 } Permissions Auth level 2 required to set permissions oxide.grant user <steamID/username> reflectdamage.use or oxide.grant group <groupname> reflectdamage.use API - Next u...
Advanced Random Scarecrow Spawner - 2.0.0
zombie scarecrow npcI WILL HAVE A MINOR UPDATE COMING OUT SOON I HAVE BEEN INACTIVE OVER THE HOLIDAYS AND ALSO HAD A CORRUPT HARDDRIVE AND LOST PROGRESS ON WHAT I HAD DONE. Features Advanced customization of Random Scarecrow Spawner. Spawns Scarecrows configurable in 5 different loadouts near the player adjusted with configurable options, logging, and custom loot. Plans Future plans will include selectable NPC type, Config to adjust stats for Scarecrows, custom and global spawn setup, support for range weapons and ...
RugSkinner - 1.0.0
bear rug skinnerFeatures Provides a bear rug when skinning bears and polarbears. Permissions oxide.grant user <steamID/username> rugskinner.use oxide.grant group <groupname> rugskinner.use
Risk Factors - 2.0.0
luck rng riskUpdates Just released an update that expands functionality to other lootable entities, as well as a gear damage reduction system still a WIP and a message system for the different effects still a WIP. Additional effects have also been added to make the damages feel more realistic, improvements to this will be made over time. About Modifies the three loot barrels and crates to include additional risky effects upon breaking and looting. Spawn chance is configurable for each entity type in the Risk...