Chicologue workshop

Top Games Vote Reward cover image

Top Games Vote Reward - 1.0.0



reward  serveur  top 

Increase your server visibility by registering it on and automatically give players a reward in-game after X votes.

Top Games Vote Reward in LoneDesign

Raid Schedules cover image

Raid Schedules - 1.0.0



alert  antiraid  community 

Raid Schedules – Want to include raid schedules into your community server without blocking damages? This is the perfect plugin for you!

Raid Schedules in LoneDesign Raid Schedules in Codefling

Top Games cover image

Top Games - 2.3.0


Chicologue  top 

Increase your server visibility by registering it on and automatically give player a role in-game after X votes. Features - Count votes for each players - Execute a set of custom commands to reward the player after X votes - Configure as much rewards as you want with different vote caps - Send a message on Discord when a player gets his reward and/or on each vote - Display a leaderboard based on a start date - Show a custom message on player connection about votes and rewar...

Top Games in Codefling