DasDA workshop

ScientistSentries cover image

ScientistSentries - 1.0.0



turret  scientist  sentries 

The Scientist Sentries plugin allows players to place their own Outpost Sentries (Scientist Sentries). Commands: Give a Scientist sentry to a player: scientistsentries.get <name/steam id> <amount> Config: { "Instant sentry switch (Sentries toggle instantly when switch toggled)": false, "Power required to switch": 0, "Sentry Skin ID": 3306396656, "Sentries need Ammo": true, "Sentry Ammo Slots": 6, "Sentry Range": 100.0, "Sentry Aim Cone": 2.0, "Sentry Health": 1500, "Sentries can take...

ScientistSentries in Codefling