Ghosty workshop
SupplyLock - 1.0.3
supplydrop pveA simple plugin to lock supply drops to a player or team. This plugin does NOT work with FancyDrop! Please use FancyDrops own locking system. This does work with Instant Airdrop but please set this to true in the config of that plugin if you have any issues: Prevent Deploying Inside (Players will only be able to deploy supply signals outside)": true
ServerWarp - 1.0.1
teleport teleportation serverAbout: A simple plugin that enables players to seamlessly warp between different servers, which can be set up in the config or using the /addwarp command. Commands: /warp [name] - Warps you to a set server /addwarp [warpName] [ip] [port] /cancelwarp - cancels the warp Permissions: oxide.grant group admin serverwarp.CanAddWarp (Is highly recommended to only grant this to the admin group) oxide.grant group default serverwarp.CanWarp oxide.grant group default serverwarp.CanCancel Config: { "CancelM...
Redirect - 1.0.1
redirect connect connectionSimple plugin to redirect players to your new server with a configurable chat message. Config: { "RedirectDelay": 10.0, "RedirectMessage": "<size=20><color=red>Warning</color>: You will be redirected to the new server in {0} seconds.</size>", "ServerIP": "", "ServerPort": "28015" } Permissions: o.grant group admin redirect.admin