Ilovepatatos workshop
Map Markers - 1.0.0
admin teleportMap Markers removes all your extra map markers on the map. Useful for admins using the 'teleport2marker' command, as it always teleports you to your first marker. It also allows you to teleport to map markers as you place them. Permissions mapmarkers.clear - Enables auto removal of map markers behaviour for user mapmarkers.teleport - Enables teleportation to map marker behaviour for user Credits Created for Atlas rust servers
Ping Locations - 1.0.0
ping br locationAllows you to ping location using the middle mouse button like you would in other battle royal games. Permissions pinglocation.use - Allow player to ping Configuration { "Use perms": "pinglocation.use", "Ping duration": 2.0, "Max ping distance": 300.0 }