Rainey workshop

DeathSpawns cover image

DeathSpawns - 1.2.0



DeathSpawns is a simple plugin that will drop item(s), prefab(s), and/or run commands on player corpses when they die. Additional Permissions, and multiple Items/prefabs/commands for each permission, can be added to allow greater flexibility.

DeathSpawns in LoneDesign DeathSpawns in Codefling

CorpseBoomer cover image

CorpseBoomer - 1.2.0



fun  player  death 

CorpseBoomer is a simple plugin that will spawn a boomer/firework at player positions when they are killed.

CorpseBoomer in LoneDesign CorpseBoomer in Codefling

GameTipBroadcast cover image

GameTipBroadcast - 1.0.3



rust tips  gametip  broadcast 

GameTipBroadcast is a simple plugin that will broadcast all SERVER global chat messages as GameTips with a configurable style & duration; additional option to hide GIVE notices included.

GameTipBroadcast in LoneDesign GameTipBroadcast in Codefling

 cover image

- 1.9.1



events  multiple 

ExtraEvents can run multiple different and custom competitive events for players to win prizes; each event is highly configurable including chat/GameTip messages & items, commands, and/or kits rewards for one or more winners; regularly optimized to be as lightweight & efficient as possible; additional events and features planned.

 in LoneDesign  in Codefling