Ryz0r workshop
Admin Status Manager - 1.1.1
admin toggleGives those with permission admin status on connect and/or on command
Building Block Safe Zone - 1.0.3
building safe weaponsCompletely disables the hot bar while a user is inside of a building blocked zone.
Console Welcome - 1.0.0
console welcomerSends a message to a players F1 console upon joining the server
Custom Ammo - 1.0.1
weapon ammo gunAllows players with permission to change the ammo type for their currently held weapon
Custom Map Name - 1.0.2
map nameCustom Map Name allows you to change the "Custom Map" field to have predefined text in place of it!
Custom Map Vehicle Vendor Fix - 1.0.5
vendor wolf airwolfFixes Boat & Airwolf Vendor on custom maps where the vendor has no time delay on sales.
Disconnect To Home - 1.0.2
home teleport disconnectAllows players with permission to be teleported back "home" on disconnect.
Hackable Lock - 2.3.0
locked lock chinookLocks looting a hackable crate to the person who started the hack, if enabled with configuration
Keep Active Item - 2.1.0
persistenceRestores a player's held item in their corpse's hotbar when they die.
Mass Genocide - 1.0.2
genocide events killMass Genocide is a plugin that allows users with permission to kill every player on the server.
Mini Copter Eject - 1.0.2
ejectAllows the driver of a Mini Copter to eject or self-eject the passenger using a command, or button
Nav Mesh Error Fix - 1.1.1
nav mesh errorFixes the Nav Mesh error that has been plaguing and spamming servers
Ore Bonus Radius Modifier - 1.0.1
ore bonus hotspotOre Bonus Radius Modifier allows you to modify the radius of the hot spot (bonus) to make it easier.
Raid Alerts - 1.0.2
raid alerts discordRaid Alerts allows players with permissions to recieve alerts in chat when an explosive is fired or thrown as a type of raid alert. You can also configure it to send alerts to Discord.
Random Wrapped Gift - 1.1.1
wrapped gift funReceive a randomly wrapped gift in a configured interval
Repair Delay Modifier - 1.0.1
repair building timeAllows a player with permission to repair immediately, or within a time
Respawn Protection - 2.0.2
respawn protection safeGives players protection from other players damaging them, or NPC
Shopfront Logs - 1.0.0
shopfront logs vendorLogs completed shopfront trades to a Discord webhook
Sleeping Assignee - 1.3.0
bag assign deployCheck who deployed a sleeping bag or bed, and who it is assigned to. Also check who's renamed a bag.
Stack Multiplier - 1.0.4
stack stacks sizeSet a multiplier for all item stack sizes in the game, and block items some from be multiplied
Vending Machine Logs - 1.0.5
vending machine logsLogs purchases of all vending machine transactions, or just user-to-user transactions through them.
Warcopter - 1.5.1
turret drone cctvAllows a player to spawn a Minicopter that has a CCTV, or a turret attached