_senyaa workshop
Liquid Fuel - 1.1.0
fire flamethrower fuelIn short, this plugin turns low grade, crude oil and diesel into a liquid, which forces players to use jugs, bota bags and bottles to interact with fuel. Based on this, we can introduce new features such as fuel splashing, refining crude oil in regular purifiers or building autonomous refining factories using powered water purifiers and pumps! Also players can get their fuel from Oxum’s Gas Station.oh, and cool flamethrower
Custom Portals - 1.3.11
custom item deployable portalCustom Portals adds deployable portals.Works with:Server RewardsNo EscapeClansEconomicsCustom Maps
Mountable Turrets - 1.2.1
anti-air autoturret deployableThis plugin adds 2 new deployable mountable turrets and IR-traps.Depends onImageLibraryRC Indentifier Fix
Car Vendor - 2.1.1
car fun npcThis plugin adds Car Vendor NPCsCar Shop monument included! (211 prefabs)
Jet Ski - 1.4.8
fun jet ski snowmobileThis plugin adds jet skis with customizable physics!Works withServer RewardsEconomics
Reskinnable Horses - 1.2.0
horse fun spraycanThis plugin allows players to reskin their horses! Configuration Example ReskinnableHorses.json { "(1) Use Permission": "reskinnablehorses.use", "(2) Unlock all breeds permission": "reskinnablehorses.all", "(3) Individual permissions (leave breed names intact)": { "Appaloosa": "reskinnablehorses.appaloosa", "Bay": "reskinnablehorses.bay", "Black": "reskinnablehorses.black", "Bucksin": "reskinnablehorses.bucksin", "Chestnut": "reskinnablehorses.chestnut", "DappleGrey": "reskinnablehorses.dapplegr...