Solarix workshop
Admin Anti-hack Fix - 1.0.0
admin antihack flyhackFix for admin staff getting kicked for AntiHack violations
Minicopter Storage - 2.0.1
storage solarixAdds 1 to 4 storage containers to the Minicopter, configurable in the config\MinicopterStorage.json file. (Default is first 2 listed, can be changed to any combination of the 4.) 1st container is a small wooden box with 5 rows placed behind the pilot seat under the fuel tank & motor. (Default is true) 2nd container is a small stash with 2 rows placed under the pilot seat. (Default is true) 3rd container is a small stash with 2 rows placed under the passenger seat. (Default is false) 4th cont...
Chinook Storage - 1.2.7
chinook storage solarixAdds up to 12 storage containers to the Chinook, configurable in the config\ChinookStorage.json file. (Default is 4, can be changed to anything from 1 to 12) All containers are small wooden boxes with 5 rows each, stacked up to 2 high in up to 6 stacks. The containers drop their loot upon destruction/crash of the Chinook, configurable to be disabled by setting false instead of true (Default is true). Option to set plugin to remove storage containers from the Chinooks on Unload of the plugin by c...