Xeus97 workshop
BanSystemUltra - 1.0.3
Ultra ban system plugin info This plugin allows you to ban players temporary or permanently by IP and steamid! If the player got banned from you server his ip will get automnaticly banned! Also if the player join in the server with banned IP he will get banned automaticly, this plugin ban multiple IPs matches If in the BanSystemUltraData contains 2, 3, or more sames IPs as banned its also gonna set to banned! This is for multiple accounts, Example: Player 76561198200022991 get banned in the serv...
CargoShipFlyHackDisabler - 1.0.0
cargo fly hack fixAbout Cargo Ship Fly Hack Disabler This plugin disable flyhack detection if some one enter to cargo, in some devblogs the cargo kicks the players for flyhack in cargo. How it works? When you put this plugin in you server is gonna check the players if they are in the cargo, if they are in it it will disable flyack detection for them When some one enter in cargo example: [CargoShip Flyhack Disabler] Flyhack detection paused for [TT] Xeus97 When some one leave from cargo example: [CargoShip Flyhack...
Timed Group Permissions - 1.0.5
group permissions timerThis plugin allows you to give permissions to any grops for time! Also this plugin can give, revoke and extend the permissions time for groups You can log you grants revokes and extends in discord channel just put you webhook url to config file and put the command: oxide.reload TimedGroupPermissions and thats it! If you want to see wich groups have timed permission check the oxide\data\TimedGroupPermissions.json Commands secction: ChatCommands && ConsoleCommands 1: givegroupperm <grou...
DiscordApi - 1.0.2
discord apc messageThis plugin allows to send to discord weebhook messages to discord weebhooks works like API. Messages can be sent normal or embed Add reference to the plugin: [PluginReference] Plugin DiscordApi; How to send: private string DiscordWeebHookUrl = "URL HERE" string message = $"YOU MESSAGE`"; send messages: DiscordApi?.Call("API_SendMessage", DiscordWeebHookUrl , Message, this); Embed: string EmbedTitle = "Title"; int EmbedColor = 16711680; -> Color string Empty = ""; string json = $"[{{\"name\":...
CheckPlayers - 1.0.0
CheckPlayers allows admins to send player on screen notification to join the discord and be checked. Commands section Console and Chat: check name/steamid -> calls player to check! Console and Chat: checkok name/steamid -> Ends check for the player Console and Chat: cancellcheck name/steamid -> Cancell check for the player Chat: /contact MyDiscord#5125 -> Suspect sends his discord to admins/mods to discord weebhook Permissions: oxide.grant group admin checkplayers.use - oxide.grant g...