ShowTitles Plugin - Manage and Display Player Titles - 1.0.5
betterchat easy use prefixThe "ShowTitles" plugin for Rust provides players the ability to view their BetterChat titles with simple commands and manage their visibility. This plugin is ideal for servers looking to enhance player interaction and personalization by giving players control over which titles they display. Key Features: - BetterChat Integration: Seamlessly integrates with the BetterChat plugin to fetch and display player titles. - Title Management: Allows players to toggle the visibility of their titles on or ...
Qrtl - 0.2.1
chat betterchat fixesAdds support for RTL languages in chat, with support for Better Chat
Pound Bot Chat Relay - 2.0.3
poundbot discord chatBidirectional Discord chat for use with PoundBot
Hw Clan Tags - 0.0.2
hurtworldv2 chat betterchatAdds Hurtworld clan tag support to Better Chat messages
Clan Tags - 1.0.2
chat betterchat clansAdds support for clan tags in chat plugins such as Better Chat
Chat Translator - 2.2.2
chat translation localizationTranslates chat messages to each player's language preference or server default
Better Chat Toggle - 1.0.0
betterchat chatEasily toggle chat tags and formatting for Better Chat
Better Chat Mute Voice - 1.0.4
mute voice betterchatAdds voice mute to better chat muted players
Better Chat Ninja - 1.0.2
chat admin betterchatHide your ranks from other players and vanish like a ninja in the chat
Better Chat Mentions - 1.2.4
betterchat mentions chatAdds Discord-like mention capability for @playername and @everyone (If permitted)
Better Mute Notification - 0.0.1
bettermutenotification betterchatmute betterchatEnhance the muting experience on your server with the BetterMuteNotification plugin. This plugin provides better notifications and tracking for muted players, making in-game communication and management more transparent and manageable. Instant Notifications: Players receive immediate notifications when they are muted or unmuted and can actively see the remaining mute time displayed in hours, minutes, and seconds. Customizable Messages: Tailor the notification messages to suit your needs. Specify...