Christmas Outpost Event - 1.0.4
outpost events christmasWhen the Christmas Outpost Event plugin is loaded, Christmas decorations will appear at the Outpost, featuring a decorated Christmas tree, a dancing Santa NPC, a boombox playing Christmas music, and lootable crates. In the config file, you can set the boombox radio link, the prefab, coordinates and respawn time for the lootable crates, and the name and outfit of the dancing NPC. Plugin Config: { "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 1 }, "Activate radio in Outpost": true, "RadioLink": "h...
Rust Gestures - 1.0.1
gestures danceThis is a simple plugin that allows players to use DLC gestures without having to buy them. Permissions rustgestures.use - Use the plugin. Commands /gestures or /rg - Open the gestures menu. Configuration Rust Gestures Commands - List of commands to open the rust gestures menu. Gestures list - List of gestures and images. Note: Do not change the gestures ids in the config unless you know what you're doing.
Dancing - 1.0.0
dance dancingPlayers who don't have the DLC are now able to dance. To use the chat command - /dance
Dance - 1.2.0
fun danceThis plugin allows players to dance, even if they don't own a VoiceProps DLC.