
Sleeping Assignee cover image

Sleeping Assignee - 1.3.0



bag  assign  deploy 

Check who deployed a sleeping bag or bed, and who it is assigned to. Also check who's renamed a bag.

Sleeping Assignee in Umod

Privilege Deploy cover image

Privilege Deploy - 0.1.7



deploy  privilege 

Block specific items from being deployed outside of a authorized build radius

Privilege Deploy in Umod

Property Buying cover image

Property Buying - 1.1.1



property  house  rp 

Put in sale properties (house, building, etc) so that players can buy them, rented. Work with all doors that can include a lock code, Works with Economics Permissions propertybuying.manager.use - Gives access to the (creates, suprimed ) properties propertybuying.manager.admin - See all properties created and (creates , suprimed ) properties Commands /property - Accesses the property management ( added, removed ) How to add a property ? CopyPaste Quote To be able to use CopyPaste correctments wit...

Property Buying in Codefling

CTimeToDeploy cover image

CTimeToDeploy - 1.0.3


TF Crazy

tf crazy  building  construction 

Adds deployment time on objects, as well as construction and improvement time. INFO - Configurable default deployment time - Configurable time to build or improve buildings - Configurable deployment time for all objects - You can add a percentage reduction to the duration according to the player's oxide permissions on any item, building grade, or by default PREVIEW (v1.0.1) PERMISSION If you want to bypass all construction times ctimetodeploy.bypass CONFIG If you want to bypass all construction ...

CTimeToDeploy in Codefling

Deployable Nature cover image

Deployable Nature - 1.0.25



admin  deployable  entity 

The Deployable Nature plugin allows users to find and/or purchase items that can be used to decorate and make their bases truly unique.This fully customizable plugin adds deployable rocks, trees and bushes into your server in the form of items, which are obtained by mining nodes, chopping trees, collecting plants or can be purchased from the nature store.

Deployable Nature in LoneDesign Deployable Nature in Codefling

Personal Marketplace cover image

Personal Marketplace - 1.2.3



custom marketplace  drone market  drone marketplace 

Allow players to place and pickup their own drone marketplace

Personal Marketplace in MyVector Personal Marketplace in LoneDesign Personal Marketplace in Codefling