Free RT - 0.1.6
radtown access openProvides free access to differents monuments for those who have permissions
Safe Highlight - 1.0.0
safezone sphere radiusSafeHighlight is a plugin which will create green sphere zones around safezones to highlight actual safezone radius for players. Plugin will automatically detect all safezones on your map, even custom one.
Puzzle Points 1.61 - 1.4.6
puzzles keycard cardsFeatures Reward players as they swipe their puzzle cards. Rewards can be Scrap, Economics, Server Rewards and/or Dog Tags (configurable). Quality checks ensuring a good card swipe (correct card reader, powered, door not already open, etc). Broadcasts card swipe to the server, including player and monument with grid location (configurable). Provides 10 min (configurable) cooldown period to prevent door spamming. Configuration { "Blue Card Swipe Money": 150.0, "Blue Card Swipe RP": 2, "Blue Card S...