HealerArea - 1.0.0
healVery simple plugin for healing Your mates in area. Features: - You can customize for any donate groups Healer class. - AutoLoad to config file Your oxide groups. Permissions: healerarea.use - Permission for use plugin command. Config: { "Permissions Groups": { "default": { // Default group from start plugin "priority": 0, "HealInterval": 5.0, //Heal timer "HealRadius": 5.0, "InstantlyHeal": 5.0, //Static heal for once "PendingHeal": 10.0 //Metabolism gradual heal }, "vip": { //Example from my ox...
Reviving Shot - 1.0.3
team heal particlesThis plugin allows you to revive allies while he is wounded, with the help of a shot, for this you need to have in your inventory medkit or syringe. Console command: reviveshot_toggle - allows you to enable or disable the player reviving shot Permission: reviveshot.use - Give permission to use this plugin Config Example: { "cooldown": 35.0, // In seconds "onEffect": true, //Enable/disable to spawn particles "particles": 20, //Amount of particles "Meds Heal": { //How much HP from med after shot "...
Raidblock Building Health - 1.1.4
noescape raidblock buildingsChanging health of created/upgraded building blocks in raidblock with slow healing
Kill Complement - 1.0.5
kill heal reloadHeals and reloads a player's weapon after killing another player
Blood Bags - 2.3.0
health medical metabolismCraft and use blood bags to restore health, stop bleeding, boost hydration, and more
Kill Options - 1.0.0
kill refill magazineKill Options - Rust Plugin A plugin for Rust that refills players magazine, heals the player and stops bleeding after getting a kill Permissions: KillOptions.on Config File: { "Fill player magazine after getting a kill": true, "Heal player after getting a kill": true, "Stop bleeding after getting a kill": true }
Life Support - 2.3.1
god death lifeQuote WORK WITH Clans Duelist Friends Economics Server Rewards Zone Manager Dangerous Treasures Tired of dying from "bots-cheaters" shots? Can't handle Bradley / Heli? Use life support to stay alive! If enabled and player has needed amount of currency - life support will heal player to maximum health instead of being dead. The most valuable thing is you keep your items and don't need to go and find your dead body. Also it can be very handy in the battle with very hard opponents (like bot-boss, H...