Player Panel - 1.0.1
player playerinfo playercountSimple player panel is a ui that shows basic stats about the server. FAQ: Quote Q: I can't see the ping! A: If the font size is too large, it may not be visible. We recommend a font size of 14. Command: /pc - Toggle On/Off UI Command Config: { "General Settings": { "Image URL": "", "Command": "pp", "Enable default UI?": true }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 0 } }
Server Info UI - 1.0.0
playercount displayServer Info UI - Rust Plugin A plugin for Rust that shows the following stats on command: * Player Count * Joining Players * Queued players * Entity Count * Server Uptime * Server FPS Button "R" refreshes the stats and button "X" closes the UI Command: /serverinfo Use permission: ServerInfoUI.allow
Server Pop - 1.0.0
pop server !popDisplay server population statistics in the chat using the !pop trigger. It provides detailed information about online, sleeping, joining, and queued players.Additionally, the !wipe trigger displays the time remaining until the next server wipe.