Tc Levels - 1.0.0
rpg toolcupboard upgradeMake your server more fun by adding upgrade features to your tool cupboards!
Xperience - 1.5.1
levels rpg skillsOUTDATED – Get latest version in our discord or CodeflingGain Experience doing just about anything in-game. Earn Stats and Skills to enhance your character.RanksExperienceLevelsNight BoostStats & SkillsBonus XP with Kill Records modUI for player controlsTop players UISQL support for remote storage (only for saving not loading)In-Game Admin Panel UI for mod adjustmentsPermissions to restrict Stats/SkillsCheck out the XPerience Addon for even more features
ItemPerks - 1.0.15
enchanting pve rpgFind, craft or create unique items on your server with over 50 different perks.
Сustomizable Weapons - 1.5.19
bosses customizable npcCustomize weapons by changing their damage types, changing the capacity of the magazine, etc.
TC Levels - 1.3.2
building hud tclevelsTCLevels is a plugin that will make your server more fun and have more things to do!