Auto Restart Ui - 2.1.1
automated restart rustpluginAutoRestart is an advanced and fully configurable plugin to facilitate automatic restarts of Rust servers, ensuring consistent performance and minimizing downtime through effective scheduling and notifications.
Auto Restart - 1.0.3
automated restart rustpluginThe AutoRestart plugin is a fully configurable tool designed for Rust servers. It allows administrators to schedule automatic server restarts with customizable alerts for players.
MiningFarm - 2.1.7
bitcoin grand miningThe plugin adds the ability to install a mining farm to your server.With this plugin, the player can mine any item from the game. You can also give out rewards in the form of permissions. Or issue a balance in the economy plugin. It all depends on your imagination.
Rocket Event - 1.1.0
rocket rtust rustpluginThis plugin will add a new event to your server, which will diversify your server
Referrals - 1.3.3
awards econom refAdds a referral system to the game. Players can invite other players and receive rewards for this
Car Sharing - 1.1.5
cars carsharing modular carsCarSharing – Adds to your server the ability to rent a car and ride it all over the map. You can also install bots in which you can rent a car.
Skin Manager - 1.0.3
bitcoin economics grandSkinManager – Let your players create their own sets of items
Zone Sell - 1.0.4
economics grand loneZoneSell – With this plugin, you can set Zones/plots up for players to be able to purchase through a buy menu for RP purposes!
Gathering Bow - 1.0.1
economics grand loneGathering Bow – The plugin adds a bow to your server, with which you can extract resources
Hud Panel System - 1.1.10
hud infopanel monitorPanel System – Adds a HUD to the user’s screen showing the economy, time, online players, events, etc.
InfoHudBar - 1.0.5
hud hudbar infopanelInfoHudBar – A beautiful and informative HUD bar for your server.
StarterEvent - 1.4.2
events auto restart auto startThis plugin creates a secret crate after a restart, mapwipe, fullwipe, or forcewipe.
Battlepass - 1.37.15
battle pass questsBattlepass. A mission system for which a player receives awards and currency for which case can open
Crafts - 2.10.11
craft crafts makeCrafting system that allows you to create items, cars, vehicles, recyclers, etc.
Kits - 1.2.15
kits sets autokitsA unique kits system with the greatest possible functionality and beautiful design