Search Linked Accounts - 1.0.1
search accounts linkedSearch DiscordAuth or DiscordCore linked accounts trough Discord
Finder - 3.1.1
search buildings sleepersFind players, sleepers, sleeping bags, buildings, and teleport to them
Craft Controller - 1.2.2
craft workbench controllerQuote Now you can customize the crafting of each item, as well as disable it on the research table or using the blueprint Open UI - /craftcontrole (craftcontroller.use) FEATURES: Changing the minimum required workbench for item crafting Craft time is adjustable For items with a certain skinID Block crafting Block explore a blueprint Block explore at the workbench P.s - (My Discord - tofurahie#4144) Config: { "Craft Rate in %": 50, "Item Settings": { "ammo.shotgun.slug": { "Default Skin": 0, "Blo...
Team Finder (Discord) - 1.0.0
discord team findDescription: You can find a player's teammates trough discord. You can ban cheater's teammates without having to log in. It shows the team leader with a crown emoji next to his name. Usage: !team <steamid> (the prefix can be changed in server/oxide/discord.config.json) Setup Guide: Add Oxide.Ext.Discord.dll to yourserver/RustDedicated_Data/Managed Go to and create a new application. Choose your desired picture ...