Farkas workshop
Team Finder (Discord) - 1.0.0
discord team findDescription: You can find a player's teammates trough discord. You can ban cheater's teammates without having to log in. It shows the team leader with a crown emoji next to his name. Usage: !team <steamid> (the prefix can be changed in server/oxide/discord.config.json) Setup Guide: Add Oxide.Ext.Discord.dll to yourserver/RustDedicated_Data/Managed https://umod.org/extensions/discord Go to https://discord.com/developers/applications and create a new application. Choose your desired picture ...
Encryption Bug Fix - 1.0.1
server.encryption 1 server.encryption 2 encryption bugWhen joining your server, you must have encountered the bug that most admin commands weren't working even though you've had auth level 1 or 2. The only solution for this bug was to set the server encryption to level 1. However, using that convar is highly inadvisable because it disables EAC encryption and allows cheaters to intercept network packets. This plugin will set the encryption level to 1 for admins but will leave it on 2 for everyone else, so you don't have to change the server encrypti...
Discord Nitro Boosts - 1.1.0
discord nitro boostAdds discord boosters into an oxide group and removes them if their boost expires
Search Linked Accounts - 1.0.1
search accounts linkedSearch DiscordAuth or DiscordCore linked accounts trough Discord