LuckyBlock - 1.0.4
luckyblock tofurahie trapsQuote Something mysterious is hiding behind this yellow cube This plugin adds a luckyblock to the game, and when you try to open it, a random command (from config file) is executed on the server. It spawns randomly in place of regular loot. The player will also receive RP points for opening if you have the ServerRewards plugin. /lbtest - use for spawn luckyblock for test ❗ The visibility distance depends on player's OBJECT QUALITY settings Config: { "Chance to spawn instead of any spawnable loot...
Npc Shop - 2.4.2
npc vending shop tofurahieNow you can create traders with the items you want to buy and sell with NPC Shop
Setup Furnaces - 2.2.6
furnace output multiplier quick smeltSetup Furnaces is a Rust plugin that will make it more pleasant to use the stoves!
Gather Loot Multiplier - 1.3.10
gather multiplier personal rateWith Gather Loot Multiplier now you can customize the gather from resources, excavator, quarry etc.
Scientist Horse - 1.1.2
hunter npc raider tofurahieWith Scientist Horse now you’ll have horses running around your map with scientists on their backs.