
Double Jump cover image

Double Jump - 1.1.8


Raul-Sorin Sorban

doublejump  jump  jumping not only once 

A plugin that allows you to double-jump in-game. Anti-hack FlyHack is being handled by the plugin and your previous FlyHack settings will be restored on plugin unload. HOW IT WORKS Just press the jump button (default is spacebar key) twice when willing to double-jump. Hold forward/backward/left/right to strongly jump into the directions, use the momentum to jump slightly higher than when stationary. To strongly jump upwards, right before pressing the jump button the second time, do not accelerat...

Double Jump in Codefling

QuestSystem cover image

QuestSystem - 1.0.5



quest  task  questsystem 

Adds various tasks to the game, for which you can get a reward. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Features: Complete and convenient configuration of each task and each prize A beautiful and convenient design that will sink into the soul of everyone The ability to expose not only an item from the game, but also the issuance of a team, and the creation of custom items. -----------------------------------------...

QuestSystem in Codefling

FireTools cover image

FireTools - 1.0.1



fire  tool  firetools 

This plugin allows you to give players tools that will immediately extract a recycled resource. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Features: The ability to prohibit the repair of the tool The ability to customize each recyclable item for each tool -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Console Commands: Example: give...

FireTools in Codefling

Smelting Controller cover image

Smelting Controller - 1.5.15



oven  furnace  multiplier 

🔥🔥🔥 SAVE 10% WHEN BUYING THE BUNDLE No oxide sh*t, fast af Now supporting electric and legacy Furnaces ! The best smelting plugin you will find, guaranteed™ Still using Quick/Power Smelt ? Well.. let me welcome you to 2023. Straightforward configuration, let's make our large furnaces x5 and refineries x2 but keep small furnaces vanilla: "Ovens": { "furnace.large": { "Multiplier": 5, "Charcoal": 5, }, "furnace": { "Multiplier": 1, "Charcoal": 1, }, "refinery_small_deployed": { "Multiplier": 2, "C...

Smelting Controller in Codefling

Rename Name cover image

Rename Name - 1.0.0



rename  nick  oxiderust 

This plugin allows you to change your nickname to the administrator. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commands: /rename <nickname> - Change your nickname /renameold - Get back your old nickname -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permission: renamename.use - use command rename and renameold

Rename Name in Codefling

Kits Menu cover image

Kits Menu - 2.0.0



kits  rustplugin  set 

A system of sets that will allow you to create different kits for privileges and not only Features Nice user interface Ability to create, delete, change a kit on command Multilingualism ( RU, EN ) Plugin Optimization Autowipe with wipe ( optionally ) Using kits when the player respawn ( auto-kit ) Selective configuration language ( RU, EN ) Commands: /kit - open menu kit /kit add <nameKit> - create kit /kit remove <nameKit> - remove kit /kit edit <nameKit> - Change the content ...

Kits Menu in Codefling

Z-Admin Chat cover image

Z-Admin Chat - 1.0.1



admin  chat  team 

Z-Admin Chat adds a new chat functionality to the game which can be used by for example admins, moderators and chat mods. In most cases it is not preferred or possible to create a team for all staff and there are several reasons to think of why it's just not practical to join one team: The team would be to large, chat mods have their own team, the admin team talks about confident things and so on. On the other hand, the team chat and the team member list are super easy to use. Z-Admin Chat solve...

Z-Admin Chat in Codefling

Auto Lights cover image

Auto Lights - 1.1.3



lighting  light control  lamp 

This is a dead simple light controller with little performance impact, no configuration required. All player deployed lights will get turned on at sunset and turned off at sunrise. Lights will require one unit of fuel to be powered but they will have no consumption. Currently supported entities: chineselantern.deployed jackolantern.angry jackolantern.happy lantern.deployed tunalight.deployed

Auto Lights in Codefling

Clock cover image

Clock - 1.3.1



time  clock  hud 

This is a dead simple, non-intrusive, HUD based clock which shows in-game time. This plugin has little to none performance impact, even when shorter nights are enabled on the server. No configuration required.

Clock in Codefling

MapBlockPlus cover image

MapBlockPlus - 1.0.2


Krungh Crow

krunghcrow  mapblock 

Simple plugin to block map with a colored map marker and Disable all Vending Machines from broadcasting. Features : Set a color using Hex code or Rust colors (black, yellow, red, blue, white, green etc.) Set alpha (transparency) to the overlay. If for a reason the colors set in configuration do not exist sets a black marker instead. Disables any Vending machine Map marker (if plugin is unload it will make all Vending Machines broadcast again). Tells the player if he turns broadcasting on it is d...

MapBlockPlus in Codefling

Event Announcer cover image

Event Announcer - 1.1.1



patrol  cargo  chinook 

HUD based alert system, no configuration required. The main objective is to broadcast an alert when important server wide events are starting, such as: Bradley event starts Cargo ship event starts Cargo plane (airdrop) event starts Patrol event starts Chinook event starts Oilrig defense Standard hackable crate drop This plugin also exposes an API which allows other plugins to use the same alert system to broadcast messages. [PluginReference] private Plugin OxidationEventAnnouncer; // (...) priva...

Event Announcer in Codefling

Daylength Modifier cover image

Daylength Modifier - 1.0.0



Change the daytime and night length. Config File My plug-ins are designed to adapt to your needs through a rich configuration file. { "Plug-in Settings": { "Daytime length in seconds (float)": 3600.0, "Night length in seconds (float)": 300.0, "Daytime start time (float)": 6.0, "Night start time (float)": 21.0 }, "System Settings": { "Show optional logged messages in the console (boolean)": true, "Performance Settings": { "Update rate in seconds (float)": 3.0 } } } Scalable Designed and Optimized...

Daylength Modifier in Codefling

Shared Knowledge cover image

Shared Knowledge - 1.0.0



Learns blueprints to players registered on the Tool Cupboard. Good-to-Know Researches in the Research Table will be learned as soon as the research has ended. Configuration File My plug-ins are designed to adapt to your needs through a rich configuration file. { "Plug-in Settings": { "Do the players have to be in the base? (boolean)": false, "Do players have to be online? (boolean)": false, "Do the players have to be alive? (boolean)": false }, "System Settings": { "Show optional logged messages...

Shared Knowledge in Codefling

Statistics cover image

Statistics - 1.0.5



statistics  stats  interface 

Plugin that displays game statistics of players The plugin will be improved, I look forward to your suggestions Chat command - stats [Personal Statistic] [TOP - 5]

Statistics in Codefling

Passive Regeneration cover image

Passive Regeneration - 1.0.1



Starts regenerating health after an amount of time out of combat. Good-to-Know Any damage disables the regeneration for an amount of time. The regeneration speed increase over time. Based on the default configuration and maximum hunger/hydration: starts at 1 HP/s to 1 HP/0.1s after 10 seconds. Configuration File My plug-ins are designed to adapt to your needs through a rich configuration file. { "Plug-in Settings": { "Amount of seconds to be Out of Combat (float)": 60.0, "Max overall regeneratio...

Passive Regeneration in Codefling

Welcome Panel Addons cover image

Welcome Panel Addons - 1.3.01



welcomeui  url  link 

Bundle of four addons made for Welcome Panel UI. All four addons including preset default config files as you see them on screenshots. Quote Every text tab in WelcomePanel has section for addon name. examples "Addon (plugin name)": "vipranks" "Addon (plugin name)": "wipecycle" "Addon (plugin name)": "sociallinks" "Addon (plugin name)": "kits" "Addon (plugin name)": "stats" Quote RustKits is required. (tutorial for creating kits) Importing your kits You can import your kits through ingame interfa...

Welcome Panel Addons in Codefling

OneForAll cover image

OneForAll - 1.0.0



admin  tags for death 

OneForAll is another MikeHawke is camping and bored creation. Fire off multiple console commands from the config with one console command.. easy peasy Command OFA << Console command to fire off what is in the config Config Here is an example if i wanted the server to say 1 2 3. { "Command List": [ "say 1", "say 2", "say 3" ] } you can use any Rcon command. o.reload, o.unload. o.load. o.grant o.revoke o.CantThinkOfAnyMoreOfTheTopOfMyHead make sure each command is in quotations and broken up...

OneForAll in Codefling

Custom Store Items cover image

Custom Store Items - 1.0.0



supreme  customstoreitems  serverrewards 

Custom Store Items allows you to give any custom item you want to your players via a command Command: customstoreitems.give playerName/playerId Usable/Deployable skinId amount name Example: customstoreitems.give supreme Deployable 1856165291 1 "Scrap Helicopter" customstoreitems.give supreme Usable 2307929123 1 "VIP 30 Days" The command can be used in Server Rewards/Tebex or via console in order to give the custom item to any player! You can create a custom item that can be either placed or used...

Custom Store Items in Codefling

VIP Tokens cover image

VIP Tokens - 1.1.7



vip  monetization  cash 

Monetize and fund your server! This plugin will allow players to purchase a token that represents a current group on your server, such as VIP, which can be traded/sold/gifted to other players in-game. It is functionally similar to bonds in Runescape, Plex in Eve Online and WOW tokens in WOW. The main benefit of this plugin is that it will allow your more generous donators to purchase tokens and sell them in game for items/resources etc to players who otherwise would not financially support the s...

VIP Tokens in Codefling

Hide my Streamer cover image

Hide my Streamer - 1.0.0



admin  streamer 

Prevents tracking sites from identifying you. Good-to-Know It doesn't affect your username, it only send fake information to external website (e.g.: BattleMetrics) I'm not responsible for action taken by these sort of website. What I mean is that this kind of plug-ins might not be appreciated by this kind of website and they might decide to remove your server from their site. Websites will see N8qqQYa6IWdovmGT instead of Mælep. Config File My plug-ins are designed to adapt to your needs through ...

Hide my Streamer in Codefling

Limit Entities cover image

Limit Entities - 2.1.8



building  buildings  entity 

The purpose of this plugin is to restrict the entities that players can build. You can limit any entity based on its prefab. To get the full list of supported prefabs use limitentities.list console command. There are two types of limits available: global and building. For building limit checks, if a cupboard is placed, the limits of the cupboard owner will apply. If no cupboard is placed, the restrictions of the owner of the first block will apply. When you run the plugin for the first time, no ...

Limit Entities in Codefling

Sign Upload API cover image

Sign Upload API - 1.0.0



sign  painting  art 

Allow players to upload sign art to Imgur including optional integration to Server Rewards and Discord Core. SAVE YOUR ART! DEPENDS ON About This plug-in allows players with the appropriate permission level the ability to upload the art of an in-game sign they are looking at to Imgur. The plug-in may optionally be integrated with DiscordCore, to DM the player the Imgur link or post to a channel, and/or ServerRewards, to deduct a configurable amount of RP from th...

Sign Upload API in Codefling

Life Support cover image

Life Support - 2.3.1



god  death  life 

Quote WORK WITH Clans Duelist Friends Economics Server Rewards Zone Manager Dangerous Treasures Tired of dying from "bots-cheaters" shots? Can't handle Bradley / Heli? Use life support to stay alive! If enabled and player has needed amount of currency - life support will heal player to maximum health instead of being dead. The most valuable thing is you keep your items and don't need to go and find your dead body. Also it can be very handy in the battle with very hard opponents (like bot-boss, H...

Life Support in Codefling

PunishAttacker cover image

PunishAttacker - 1.8.3



pve  kick  kill 

Quote REQUIRES Rust UI Framework Download and put .dll file into "RustDedicated_Data\Managed" folder Quote WORKS WITH Duelist Clans Friends Slap Economics Server Rewards Zone Manager Dynamic PVP ZLevels Remastered Tired of someone shooting into your players face on your PVE server? While it deal no damage it may lead to fps loss and be really annoying. This plugin will help you to punish them. The main idea of the plugin is to punish a player attacking another. There is variety of options in con...

PunishAttacker in Codefling

Boombox cover image

Boombox - 1.0.1



radio  mod 

Allows you to change the station to any boombox via command. Commands /stations - Shows you a detailed list of stations to use with your BoomBox. /station <number> - Will play a selected station from the stations list. /boombox <url> - Will play a custom audio source on the BoomBox. /addstation "name" "URL" - Adds stations to the preset stations. /removestation "name" "URL" - Removes stations from the preset stations. Quote Warning! The /boombox URL feature should only be shared with...

Boombox in Codefling

Personal Recyclers cover image

Personal Recyclers - 1.0.11



monetization  vip 

This plugin allows for your players to receive or purchase personal recyclers that they can place inside of their base. The primary benefit of this plugin vs other similar plugins, is that this plugin will restrict usage of the recyclers to only a user or their team (configurable), and has commands built in that will allow players to purchase it directly via payment gateways like Tebex etc. It will also work with the VIP Token plugin, allowing for a token to be purchased and traded in game, prov...

Personal Recyclers in Codefling

Wipe Countdown cover image

Wipe Countdown - 1.0.2



countdown  chat 

Let players know how many days left till next wipe with this simple countdown plugin. • Features - show time left with chat command - auto broadcast when players type keyword in chat - api to get time left • Commands Quote chat /wipe - shows how much time left till next wipe console countdown_reset - restart countdown • Config Quote { "General Settings": { "Countdown (seconds)": 604800.0, "Refresh/Save Interval (seconds)": 30.0, "Global Response Enabled": false, "Global Response Text": "<size...

Wipe Countdown in Codefling

Medical Items cover image

Medical Items - 1.0.2




Medical items to help those in need! The plugin includes 2 unique medical items that your players can find, research and craft. Defibrillator The defibrillator can do 2 things: Recover a player from a wounded state immediately, with a risk of the defibrillator breaking (default: 10% chance), removing any bleeding effects that the target has and bringing them back on 10hp. Resurrect a dead player, spawning them back at the position of their body, but breaking the defibrillator. The player spawns ...

Medical Items in Codefling

CWeaponEvolve cover image

CWeaponEvolve - 1.1.1


TF Crazy

tf crazy  weapons  upgrade 

Don't recycle your old weapons in your boxes. Make them evolve. INFOS What does this plugin actually do? The plugin will allow you to evolve your weapon to another one depend to the number of kill you define. Let's take the example of the revolver, in the default configuration, after 10 kills with the weapon it will evolve into an automatic pistol. It is important to understand that it is the weapon that evolves. You can have several guns in your boxes, they will not all count the same number of...

CWeaponEvolve in Codefling

Entity Limit cover image

Entity Limit - 0.0.6



entity  shortname  bsdinis 

Limits, by prefab shortname, the amount of entities that players are allowed to deploy or build. Limits building blocks and deployables. The config file contains 2 lists named limitedPrefabs and VIPlimitedPrefabs where the limits are saved. The purpose of the excludedSkinIDs list is to prevent limiting items with custom skinIDs, such as catapults, sentries, recyclers, etc. Limits can be added, removed or listed with the console command 'entitylimit', command usage examples: entitylimit add defau...

Entity Limit in Codefling

WipeBlock cover image

WipeBlock - 1.0.9



wipeblock  auto wipe  block 

Blocking items after wipe Features Beautiful user interface Performance Interface customization Setting up items by category Support for blocking items by SkinID On-screen alert Ignore blocking by permission Commands block (open interface) wb.indent [seconds] (to slide the blocks) Permissions wipeblock.ignore (ignore blocking) Hooks void OnWipeBlockEnded() API bool AnyBlocked() int SecondsFromWipe() bool IsBlocked(ItemDefinition def) bool IsBlocked(string shortName, ulong skin) bool IsBlocked(It...

WipeBlock in Codefling

Thieving cover image

Thieving - 0.0.2



thieving  bsdinis 

Drop random items from your victim when you hit them with a Torch. Permissions: thieving.use - Allows player to steal from other players. thieving.immune - Player is immune to thieves. thieving.nocooldown - Player does not have a cooldown.

Thieving in Codefling

Necronomicon cover image

Necronomicon - 1.0.10



bps  blueprints  shareit 

A player puts all his blueprints in a book and then he can gift that book to another one who can unlock all of the blueprints the player had So it allows players to put all their blueprints in a book that can be unrwaped Features Beautiful user interface Performance Interface customization Access by permission (optional) Auto wipe (optional) Sound effect (optional) Commands necronomicon.give [name/userId] [all/itemIDs...] - give a book with a specific set of blueprints Config Examples { "Book It...

Necronomicon in Codefling

Vending Machine at Giant Excavator cover image

Vending Machine at Giant Excavator - 1.1.0



Add a Vending Machine that sells ore at the Giant Excavator. Config File: My plugins are designed to adapt to your needs through a rich configuration file. { "Plugin Settings": { "Is the Vending Machine shown on the map? (bool)": true, "Is the Vending Machine accessible for drones? (bool)": false, "High Quality Metal Ore": { "Number of ores sold per purchase (integer)": 20, "Ore cost amount in Diesel Fuel (integer)": 1, "Weight (integer, 0 = ore not for sale, the higher = the more chance to be r...

Vending Machine at Giant Excavator in Codefling

Rustazon cover image

Rustazon - 1.0.3



shop  logan 

Rustazon is a easy to use shop that allows players to buy both items and entitys. Features: Very Customizable Config Exchange items for currency A cart system (adding items to cart, removing, etc.) Both items and entitys are purchasable Add any item/entity to the shop Change prices of the items Change images of the items Change the item names for the shop Customizable delivery Change shop name Permissions: rustazon.use - Anyone granted this command will be able to use the shop Preview: Example C...

Rustazon in Codefling

Chicken Bow cover image

Chicken Bow - 1.0.3



chicken  bow  fun 

A quest to obtain the "Bow of the chickens", allowing the weilder to create chickens when fired. Overview This plugin will allow your players to complete the "Chicken Hunter" quest, by killing x amount of chickens (default 100). This will reward them with a skinned Huting bow called "Bow of the Chickens". When fired, the bow will spawn a chicken at the arrows location. Players can spawn a configurable number of chickens this way. When a chicken that was spawned by the bow dies, it will run 1 of ...

Chicken Bow in Codefling

Stationary Paper cover image

Stationary Paper - 1.1.0


Krungh Crow

note  paper  craft 

Crafting of Stationary Paper with new skins for organisiation and a locked `Admin Note` Features : Vanilla Notes get a new skin when crafted Craft different stationary papers each with their own skin and name Admin Note cant be rewritten or crafted if a player doesn't have the stationarypaper.admin permission assigned (to avoid abuse) Set a crafting price (wood for now) the Admin Notes are free to craft by admins Chat notification when not enough wood to craft in your inventory Craft canceling i...

Stationary Paper in Codefling

Sign Manager cover image

Sign Manager - 1.0.6



sign  painting  image 

Admin and player UI for saving/recalling/deleting sign drawings. Gives players a 25 capacity image library so they can save, and restore, their artwork. Saved images exist even after the signs they're on are destroyed. Multi-layer support for animated signs allows save from and restore to each layer separately. Admin can view a 25 image history for any sign, with the SteamID of the painter shown. Clicking a SteamID shows a 25 image history for that player. UI delete allows for very easy moderati...

Sign Manager in Codefling

PokerTables cover image

PokerTables - 1.0.2


Krungh Crow

fun  krunghcrow  minigame 

Craft, place and pickup you would any other deployable item. Features : Backpack safe Using Rusts Buildingblock mechanics Set a crafting cost through configuration Craft the Poker Table using a simple chat command with permission aslong you have the materials in your inventory. Craft is cancelled when not enough inventory space Can be recycled for wood and metal fragments Can be used with RemoverTool Permissions : pokertables.use : To be able to use chatcommands and craft the Poker Table Command...

PokerTables in Codefling

Bradley Tiers cover image

Bradley Tiers - 1.2.2


Krungh Crow

bradley  krunghcrow  events 

Bradleys now spawn in Tiers with small config and lootcrate spawn options. Features : Spawns as Easy,Medium,Hard or Nightmare Tiers Easy configuration and setup BradleyGuards and BradleyOptions will disable their HP and Cratedrop settings automaticly (Krungh Crow versions). Works on any Bradley no exceptions Spawn and Kill Messages Option to make a vanilla bradley spawn instead of a Tiered one at random. Set a extra reward in the form of Economics or ServerRewards Support for Tiered loot systems...

Bradley Tiers in Codefling