Monument Spawn Control - 1.0.8
steenamaroo guinness adminUI spawn amount/time control for monument crates, keycards, barrels, etc. MonumentSpawnControl provides a UI per vanilla monument, listing each spawn group for that monument, with controls for spawn population, respawn timer, and max amount to respawn per cycle. Each group can be emptied, filled, enabled, or disabled, with one click. Respawn durations are in minutes. Where there are multiple monuments of the same name (e.g. Lighthouse), they are all controlled by the same settings. Notes Does no...
Bottom - 1.0.1
logo branding tags for deathBottom adds a simple line of text to the bottom of the hotbar. Text changes from entries in the config. Time between changes setable from the config. Configuration { "Bottom Text List": [ "Welcome to our server", "Join our discord", "Do you like the music of showaddywaddy?" ], "Change timer in seconds": 60.0 } Text supports color and font size (within limitation) if done in the html format e.g <color=#FF0000> </color>
Easy Skin - 1.0.0
skin skins loganEasy Skin is a lightweight rust plugin that is easy to use and configure. Easy Skin allows players with the correct permissions to change their in-game items with skins. Features: Blacklist skins Whitelist skins Skin items with any skin from the workshop Easy to configure config Reload config without reloading plugin Notes: Skin ID 0 will reset the skin that is held. Permissions: easyskin.admin easyskin.use Commands: cscreload - Reloads config for easy skin skin [skinid] - Changes skin of held i...
Ruster.NET - 4.2.5
raulssorban raul sorban networkingRust's first in-game social-media network. See what's up, chat with friends, share your experiences and make connections. Ruster.NET brings you a whole new system of communication! CHAT — SHARE — REACT WARNING: As stated in the License section of the plugin, you may NOT modify the plugin in any way. If you wish to modify the logos, you may only do so using Ruster.NET Pro. Not conforming to the license, will cause your server(s) to be permanently blacklisted. [ ! ] PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THAT CERTAI...
Freak Radiation - 1.0.0
freak radiation freak radiationFeel like your players have it too easy? Want to make your server more challenging for even the most unemployed zergs? Freak Radiation automatically creates radiation storms in your world; and they crawl around the world, sparing nobody the danger of being irradiated. By default they're visible as an orb moving through the world, but if you really want that Dark Souls experience you can make them fully invisible turning radiation storms into a scary, silent killer. You have total control with a ...
TCOptimizer - 2.0.0
utility vanilla friendlyA plugin that allow players to optimize the Tool Cupboard resources to an amount of time of protection. How to use it? Access a Tool Cupboard. Choose the amount of hours you would like to protect your base using the discrete CUI. -- / ++ = 10 - / + = 1 Validate by clicking on the chosen duration. DEMO YouTube Config File: { "Plugin Settings": { "Optimization Cooldown in seconds (float)": 1.0 }, "System Settings": { "Show optional logged messages in the console (boolean)": true } } Permission: TC...
Hotbars - 1.0.3
hotbar imagelibrary deathHotbars is a Rust plugin that lets users create multiple MMO-style hotbars they can switch between on the fly either with chat commands, key binds or a GUI interface. Users can configure up to 5 bars to switch between. If the items are lost, the items are removed from the hobar when the user switches or recalls the hotbar. Permissions hotbars.use - Required for use. hotbars.(1-5) - Limits the amount of hotbars a player/group can have. Example: hotbars.3 Commands /hotbar - Will print a list of av...
Custom Car Garage - 1.0.3
xdegg saleCustom Car Garage offers a customizable solution to vehicle based services for your players. This plugin offers three types of services; repair, refuel and full service of modular vehicles. Repair restores the vehicles health, refuelling fills the vehicles tank to its maximum and finally full service offers both repair and refuel. These services have multiple economic configurations, and can be set to Free, paid by Item or Paid by Wulf's Economics. These garages can be customized in a range of w...
Chat Prefix Plus - 1.3.0
chat prefix permissionsThis is the Paid PLUS Version of the Chat Prefix plugin on uMod. What the uMod Version does NOT have: FakeNames (fake name, fake avatar, fake Prefix) More Updates - new functions of the unpaid version 7 days bevore the uMod release Planned: Multiple Prefixes instead of only one Permissions chatprefixplus.< config.Permission > - assigns the prefix as entered in the config. chatprefixplus.fakeName - needed for the /fakeName command Features of PLUS Version unlimited (colored) prefixes config...
Welcome Console Premium | Plugin - 1.4.4
welcome console chat consoleFEATURES Fast & Smart automated messaging Server resource-friendly Highly customizable Continent & Country display SUPPORT If you have questions, requests or you're stuck you can get support via my Discord Server or the Support Tab. Most of the time I'm available on Discord. You can find answers there to previous questions and get discounts. Invite link to Discord Server SHOWCASE Default Welcome Message Default Broadcast Message Default Admin Greeting Default Console Message DESCRIPTION ...
Floating Text - 1.0.1
Floating Text offers admins an in-world floating text solution visible to everyone. This is an ideal tool for labeling areas, leaving messages, identifying zones, roleplay solutions, and more, allowing the configuration of text size, color, contents, visibility distance, global performance configurable, and a convenient command to locate and identify floating texts for removal. Preview <I/O> Getting Started <I/O> Permission: User is required to be admin in order to set, remove and re...
CTimeToDeploy - 1.0.3
tf crazy building constructionAdds deployment time on objects, as well as construction and improvement time. INFO - Configurable default deployment time - Configurable time to build or improve buildings - Configurable deployment time for all objects - You can add a percentage reduction to the duration according to the player's oxide permissions on any item, building grade, or by default PREVIEW (v1.0.1) PERMISSION If you want to bypass all construction times ctimetodeploy.bypass CONFIG If you want to bypass all construction ...
CHit - 1.0.1
tf crazyDisplays on the damage caused. - Above 50 damages, the writing will be in red PREVIEW (v1.0.1) PERMISSION chit.use
Emotipedia - 1.1.1
raecast emote emojiIf you're looking to create a fun, community chatting environment for your players, Emotipedia allows players to use emotes! When an emote keyword is recognised in a chat message, the emote shows up on all of your players screens! Features Emotes fade in on a random position on screen Fully configurable emote library (any small square image via URL will work!) Twitch Emotes (BTTV, FFZ) Discord Emotes Any emotes! (not animated though 😞 ) Uses image caching (100% crisp emotes for all players, even...
Chinook Storage - 1.2.7
chinook storage solarixAdds up to 12 storage containers to the Chinook, configurable in the config\ChinookStorage.json file. (Default is 4, can be changed to anything from 1 to 12) All containers are small wooden boxes with 5 rows each, stacked up to 2 high in up to 6 stacks. The containers drop their loot upon destruction/crash of the Chinook, configurable to be disabled by setting false instead of true (Default is true). Option to set plugin to remove storage containers from the Chinooks on Unload of the plugin by c...
Searchable Berries - 1.0.3
castom st berries pickupThe resources that you pick up from the ground (the resource type is specified in the configuration) can give you any item that you specify in the configuration file Configuration file Setting from which selected item the item you specified will fall out Setting up the chance of falling out Setting the maximum number of dropped items Setting the minimum number of dropped items
Custom Challenges - 1.5.1
challenge rewards serverrewardsThis plugin gives the possibility to trigger a timed event, with a random long time (choose randomly between min and max configured time). The event will choose randomly a type, KILL or Gather (prior the config), after it choose a random objective from the corresponding list. During the event, after the objective is triggered (for example: Sulfur ore mined completely, Barrel destroyed, Bear killed, Tree chopped down.. etc), the player will get point /objective. Top 3 player (or player group if t...
Bank Heist - 1.5.15
bank heist eventsSpawns custom bank hesits at specified locations. Optional Plugins Kits umod Part 1: Optional Bank Prefab Setup Part 2: Bank Plugin Setup Custom Prefabs: Prefab name should be labled as "bankheist" or "bankheist_1" for multiple banks. Permission bankheist.manage // Allow admins to setup bank events bankheist.worker // Stop guards attacking bank workers Commands 1. /bse <type>, spawn prefab entity of type for setup 2. /blp create|remove|update <profile-name>, manage bank loot profiles...
DeathPenalty - 1.2.0
babu77Works with: Economics, ServerRewards When player dies, part of the player's property will be seized. Permissions ・deathpenalty.use Only players with this permissions will have their property seized. Configurations Max_Rate_Economics(0.00 - 1.00): Maximum rate of seized Economics Max_Rate_RP(0.00 - 1.00): Maximum rate of seized RP Min_Rate_Economics(0.00 - 1.00): Minimum rate of Economics to seize Min_Rate_RP(0.00 - 1.00): Minimum rate of RP to seize Receiver: There is an option true/false to ena...
CAltimeter - 1.0.9
copter tf crazyDisplay UI when player pilot an heli INFOS - Possible conversion between kilometres per hour and miles in the configuration - Displayed: Speed Fuel gauge Health of copter / scrapheli Altitude above sea level Altitude depending on the obstacle below PREVIEW (v1.0.1) *In the video you can see a slight delay between the update of the old and new values (speed and altitude). These have been corrected after the video was recorded REQUIRE The Image Library plugin is required !
Welcome Console Lite - 0.2.2
disguiseA plugin that allows your server to send a message to the players via console when connected! Because this is my first plugin and it's in v0.1.2 (fully functional) you can download it for FREE! An example below how it's shown to players. You can change the text, size and color too! NOTE: If you're using an another plugin that uses the same hooks as this plugin does (ex. when a player connects, then display a message), there can be some conflicts between the two! If you're expriencing that, pleas...
AntiMacros / AntiScript - 1.1.5
antimacros antiscript scriptAntiMacros - a plugin that blocks scripts for mice/programs that allow players to remove the recoil from their weapons This plugin will block this option for players If the player will shoot with a prohibited script, his script will break and his sight will lead to the sides, which will force him to disable this script and make it impossible to play with it The defense works in 3 different modes, individually for each available weapon : - Light weight - Medium - Hardcore Available weapons with s...
Minicopter Storage - 2.0.1
storage solarixAdds 1 to 4 storage containers to the Minicopter, configurable in the config\MinicopterStorage.json file. (Default is first 2 listed, can be changed to any combination of the 4.) 1st container is a small wooden box with 5 rows placed behind the pilot seat under the fuel tank & motor. (Default is true) 2nd container is a small stash with 2 rows placed under the pilot seat. (Default is true) 3rd container is a small stash with 2 rows placed under the passenger seat. (Default is false) 4th cont...
Balance the Betting - 1.1.2
custom rust plugin saleBalance the betting allows server admins to set the compatible item type of wheel terminals within a radius, and configure all slot machine item types as a group. The plugin is designed to give more options to an otherwise bland gambling system, for example allowing various configurations of high-roller and budget oriented big wheel gambling machines in custom casinos. We are currently exploring more options and features for this plugin, including slot spin speed to create fun, unique and immers...
Raidable Bases - 2.8.7
raid bases pveCreate fully automated raidable bases with NPCs in Rust This is the premium version of Raidable Bases. The differences between this and the free version are too many to list. A few key differences are: five (5) difficulties and associated loot table functionality instead of one (1), buyable events, lockouts for players. Requires latest version of CopyPaste or bases to work. It also requires that you have copypaste files already made. Raidable bases will be spawned using the CopyPaste plugin. Thi...
Me Actions - 1.0.4
custom rust plugin rp tf crazyThe me command allows you to display a specific action above the head of a player. It’s particularly used for actions that couldn’t have been done in game in a roleplay context. Permission cme.use => For use command cme.view => For view other player's me Config { "CONFIG": { "» Message duration (seconds)": 10, "» Message size": 20, "» Message color": "#ce422b", "» Message pattern": "* {message} *", "» Message in capital letters ?": true, "» Display range": 15.0 }, "CHAT": { "» Chat Command...
Console Chat - 1.0.5
custom rust plugin console deathA lite plugin that allows players to read or share chat history, copy links and ensure no messages are missed. Players can toggle this on/off as they choose. The toggle persists until it is re-toggled by the player or the config option is disabled. Console Commands consolechat.toggle - Enables/Disables consolechat on a per-player basis. This is not an rcon command. Configuration Enable_Toggle: Enables or disables consolechat.toggle command. Output_Color: The color of all ConsoleChat messages tha...
Boogie Bomb - 2.0.2
mod cameron boogie bombTHIS PLUGIN IS CURRENTLY BROKEN! Face punch removed the dance. I attempted to use the new ones but the dances won't lock the player. I'll have another go a bit later to see what I can come up with. This plugin may break in the next rust update! Purchase with caution. I can't promise it will work after 7th of october Adds Boogie Bombs from Fornite into Rust, making use of a secret dance emote! 2.0 Update! Old Version How does it work? Allows you to turn specific F1 Grenades or All F1 Grenades int...
Agriblock - 1.0.8
Prevents players from planting seeds or clones outside of planters. Each seed type is configurable as well as the option to refund the seeds after use. Icon by @SawyerWD
Slowmode Chat - 1.0.8
chat adminTemporarily or permanently restrict players to sending one message per configured interval. Permissions slowmodechat.exclude - Excludes granted players/groups from slowmode Console Commands slowmode enable - Enable slowmode slowmode disable - Disable slowmode slowmode interval <seconds> - Adjust the interval between messages slowmode reload - Load new config values without reloading the entire plugin Configuration Enabled - Enables slowmode Rcon_Only - Forces console commands to be ran via...
Monument Entities - 1.0.5
supreme monument entitiesAllows admins to spawn entities in different monuments. Setup your entities and positions once and you will have them spawn on every map no matter the seed or size in the desired monument! Commands: /getmonumentpos (Requires admin access) Use the command to get the proper position within the monument, rotation wise pick any value until you have the desired entity's position Configuration: { "Monument name & their entities": { "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/harbor/harbor_1.prefab"...
Invisible Bullets - 1.0.0
unknownMakes invisible bullets for vanished players (Great for AimTrain plugin where players are shooting and you can see their bullets, this will make them invisible) [+] Performs good [+] No config file [+] Hides bullets [+] Hides impact [+] You do not hear invisible bullets
Recoil Pattern UI - 1.0.6
recoil pattern unknownView recoil patterns in game, great for use with minigame or aim train servers. The plugin has a permission based command, and comes with two different versions, A and B, both included in this purchase and download. See below for a list of weapons currently supported by this plugin. Version A: This plugin shows your recoil to UI. Works fine with /pattern command or you can add simple hook to add pattern to player which will teleport or join a minigame for example. Permission needed for command: ...
Quarry Levels 2.10 - 2.0.1
custom rust plugin quarry levelsAllows players to upgrade their quarries or pumpjacks with another quarry or pumpjack effectively allowing them to stack up to x quarries and pumpjacks together instead of having them placed individually causing clutter. This plugin is very performant and was designed to run on very high-pop servers. A level 2 quarry will produce the same amount as 2 level 1 quarries. Same for pumpjacks. Every quarry level will also unlock the next tier of production. Level 3 will unlock metal, level 4 sulfur an...
Lock Me Up - Handcuffs - 1.2.11
cuffs fun lockLock Up the nasty players! Admins or players with permissions will have the ability to spawn handcuffs and use them to lock up victims or npc's while also giving them the ability to escort or loot their target. This system was heavily inspired by the Rustoria/OTV developers. Usage Equip the handcuff item in your belt and make sure it's selected, go near a player/npc and hold E button. Current Futures Include (check the config bellow as well) Support for permissions Handcuff item type, skin &...
ESP Detection - 1.1.2
admin tool espThis is a simple tool to help you catch ESPer's. Unlike methods in the past requiring cheaters to fall for traps, this one will be watching without having to give them any bait! This plugin is still in "beta" and is offered at a reduced price for a limited time. Since 1.0.12, the embed now includes a radar image to show violations (red line): The above embed shows the culprit, with quick links to Steam, Battlemetrics, and ServerArmour. Along with each violation that caused the trigger, the consi...
Mass Whitelist - 1.0.5
whitelist blacklist player managementThis plugin allows for easy and fast whitelisting and blacklisting players for individual permissions! This plugin can be used for moded servers, but is ideal for event oriented servers. The plugin comes with a discord integration to record all actions done by the plugin through the UI! Unlike other whitelisting plugins, MassWhitelist has a complete UI to make all actions user friendly. The following actions can be done through the UI: Create New Permission Add Whitelisted players Remove Whiteli...
Static Dispensers - 1.3.4
staticdispensers gather harvestHarvest resources from objects that you normally cannot harvest from. Dispensers are being slightly refilled at every sunrise. Configuration { "GatheredDispenserNotices": false, "DepletedDispenserNotices": false, "RefillDispenserNotices": true, "GatherMultiplier": 35.25, "Definitions": [ { "PrefabFilter": "rock_small", "Contents": [ { "GatherAmount": 10, "ShortName": "stones", "Amount": 100 }, { "GatherAmount": 8, "ShortName": "metal.fragments", "Amount": 50 } ], "WhitelistedHeldItems": [ "rock"...
Quarry Manager - 2.0.3
Issues: Autospawn (static) quarries do not work. You can fix this by deleting that quarry and spawning a new quarry (sulfur, stone, metal, etc...). If this does not work you can use Uber Tool to place it and reload the plugin to initialize the zone and it should work as intended. Manage a certain quarry that has been placed down Chat Commands /qm h or help - Shows other commands and help text /qm t or team - Enables/Disabled quarry team share /qm a or add - Adds a certain player to the quarry sh...