Ping Locations - 1.0.0
ping br locationAllows you to ping location using the middle mouse button like you would in other battle royal games. Permissions pinglocation.use - Allow player to ping Configuration { "Use perms": "pinglocation.use", "Ping duration": 2.0, "Max ping distance": 300.0 }
Advanced Wound - 1.2.1
wounded maelep brPLUGIN BROKEN DUE TO CRAWLING UPDATE, I'M WORKING ON AN UPDATE A plugin that add some parameters to the Wounded state. Features: (features can be enabled/disabled/changed by modifying the config file and profiles) Players have 20% chance to be wounded. Players have 20% to recover from wound. Headshots can prevent wounding. Your wounded health starts at 100 and degenerate to the death in 60 seconds. Added a button to Give Up. Recovering will slowly regenerate your health to 30. Config File: { "Pl...