
Admin Eye cover image

Admin Eye - 1.0.0



admin  log  helper 

This plugin adds logs of players action and convenient control panel for viewing them. Features Logs KIlls + Destruction of buildings (detailed description of the killed / destroyed, distance and what killed 'weapon, damage type etc.') Death (detailed description of the killer, the distance and how player was killed 'weapon, damage type etc.') Respawn (location of respawn and on the sleeping bag or not) Tims (create, invite, accept, leave) Loot (crates, personal boxes, wounded players and all ot...

Admin Eye in Codefling

Vending Machine Logs cover image

Vending Machine Logs - 1.0.5



vending  machine  logs 

Logs purchases of all vending machine transactions, or just user-to-user transactions through them.

Vending Machine Logs in Umod

Raid Tracker cover image

Raid Tracker - 2.1.1



raid  log  admin 

Track raids by explosives, weapons, and ammo with detailed on-screen visuals

Raid Tracker in Umod

Discord Logger cover image

Discord Logger - 2.0.17



discord  events  log 

Logs events to Discord channels using webhooks

Discord Logger in Umod

MyLocation cover image

MyLocation - 1.0.2


Krungh Crow

krungh crow  player  log 

simple console log plugin to find online/sleeprs/your own location and prints it to console and logfile. Features : no config no permissions (Have to be a admin) Prints it to console. Prints it to a Logfile. Player name and steam id are now printed (New v1.0.2) Chat Commands : /position : Prints your position to chat and to console. /position.all : Prints all online players with position and Grid to console. /position.sleepers : Prints all sleepers location and Grid to console. Console Commands ...

MyLocation in Codefling

F1 Server Console Log cover image

F1 Server Console Log - 1.0.0



admin  log  console 

F1 Server Console Log takes server console logs and prints it to players with permission's F1 console. Permissions - f1serverconsolelog.log - permission to log to players F1 console Commands /console on - turns console log on /console off - turns console log off Configuration "DateTime string format output": "HH:mm:ss"

F1 Server Console Log in Codefling F1 Server Console Log in Umod

Smart Warnings 2.5.8-beta4 cover image

Smart Warnings 2.5.8-beta4 - 2.5.8-beta4



warning  rule  admin 

SmartWarnings simplifies and streamlines your server moderation by providing means to consistently Warn your players for misconduct. Gone are the times when you leave manual notes at sleeping players, for this plugin creates a smooth but intimidating pop-up window displaying clearly to the player what they've done wrong and how to learn from it. From version v2.5.0 you can now extend highly customizable actions to trigger based on your custom warnings. The imagination is the limit! Rule enforcem...

Smart Warnings 2.5.8-beta4 in Codefling

Admin Toggle cover image

Admin Toggle - 3.1.15



admin  interface  discord 

Installation Place the AdminToggle.cs file in /oxide/plugins/ Place the XLIB.dll Dependency in /RustDedicated_Data/Managed/ Grant yourself the default permission o.grant user YOURNAME admintoggle.master the .master permission selector needs to be adapted to what you called the permission setting for the mode Information AdminToggle Allows admins with permission to toggle between player & admin mode Reset Command Open f1 console & write at.fix - Reverts you to player mode (the hard way) (...

Admin Toggle in Codefling

Loot Audit cover image

Loot Audit - 1.5.0



admin  log  audit 

A plugin for Rust server owners or admin that can assist in determining if a player is cheating to gain loot. Loot Audit is used by granting the permission "uselog" to the specific player they suspect is cheating and the plugin will categorically log what the loot is and where it was looted from. Discord integration is quickly setup by creating a webhook in discord and adding it to the Discord Webhook line in the config. If you do not wish to use the Discord logging feature then leave that line ...

Loot Audit in Codefling