
Turrets Extended cover image

Turrets Extended - 3.3.4



supreme  turrets 

Allows players to toggle on/off the turrets/sam sites without the need of electricity 

Turrets Extended in LoneDesign

Achievement System cover image

Achievement System - 2.7.7



achievements  achievementsystem  supreme 

Reward your players based on their new achievements!

Achievement System in LoneDesign

Custom Store Items cover image

Custom Store Items - 1.0.0



supreme  customstoreitems  serverrewards 

Custom Store Items allows you to give any custom item you want to your players via a command Command: customstoreitems.give playerName/playerId Usable/Deployable skinId amount name Example: customstoreitems.give supreme Deployable 1856165291 1 "Scrap Helicopter" customstoreitems.give supreme Usable 2307929123 1 "VIP 30 Days" The command can be used in Server Rewards/Tebex or via console in order to give the custom item to any player! You can create a custom item that can be either placed or used...

Custom Store Items in Codefling

Monument Entities cover image

Monument Entities - 1.0.5



supreme  monument  entities 

Allows admins to spawn entities in different monuments. Setup your entities and positions once and you will have them spawn on every map no matter the seed or size in the desired monument! Commands: /getmonumentpos (Requires admin access) Use the command to get the proper position within the monument, rotation wise pick any value until you have the desired entity's position Configuration: { "Monument name & their entities": { "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/harbor/harbor_1.prefab"...

Monument Entities in Codefling Monument Entities in LoneDesign

Sound Library Api cover image

Sound Library Api - 1.1.4



supreme  npc  soundlibraryapi 

Sound Library Api allows you to store & play recorded sounds for players, attach them to npcs, trigger them via in-game events Use Sound Library API Encoder which allows you to convert any audio file to our own format (after converting the file, rename it and move it to /data/SoundLibraryApi): Sound Library Encoder Configuration: { "Scheduled message interval (seconds)": 900.0, "Speaker Distance (The higher the number, the further away is the speaker resulting in a quieter voice)": 5.0, "Aud...

Sound Library Api in Codefling Sound Library Api in LoneDesign

Chest Stacks cover image

Chest Stacks - 1.4.0



supreme  stack  stacks 

Chest Stacks is a Rust plugin that allows players to stack chests on top of each other! Configuration: { "Building privilege required": true, "Blacklisted Skins": [ 2618923347 ], "Permissions & their amount of stacked chests lmits": { "cheststacks.use": { "Chest type limits": { "SmallBox": 3, "LargeBox": 5 } }, "": { "Chest type limits": { "SmallBox": 5, "LargeBox": 10 } } } } Language: { "MaxStackAmount": "You are trying to stack more than {0} boxes!", "OnlyStackSameType": "Y...

Chest Stacks in Codefling Chest Stacks in LoneDesign

Url Copier cover image

Url Copier - 1.0.1



supreme  url  copier 

Url Copier grants you the ability to allow your players on your server to copy and paste any text you're sending them via a note when they issue a command, join the server or respawn (Can be disabled) Configuration: { "Commands & their text": { "website": "" }, "Enable join text": true, "Enable respawn text": true, "Join text": "Text", "Respawn text": "Respawn Text" } Language: { "ReceivedNote": "You have received a note in order to be able to copy the text in it, check yo...

Url Copier in Codefling Url Copier in LoneDesign

Server Crash Announcer cover image

Server Crash Announcer - 1.0.0



announcer  crash  discord 

Sends a discord message when booting the server after a crash, letting everyone know what happened

Server Crash Announcer in LoneDesign Server Crash Announcer in Codefling

Safe Kick cover image

Safe Kick - 1.0.0



auth  kick  safe 

Teleports players that are kicked for particular reasons to a safe place

Safe Kick in LoneDesign Safe Kick in Codefling

Timber Mod cover image

Timber Mod - 1.0.2



farm  instant  mod 

Reworks the way of cutting trees, either increase or decrease the farming process

Timber Mod in LoneDesign Timber Mod in Codefling

Predator Missile cover image

Predator Missile - 1.1.3



missile  predator  supreme 

Predator Missile – This unique Rust plugin allows players to call in a predator missile!

Predator Missile in LoneDesign Predator Missile in Codefling

Monument Progression cover image

Monument Progression - 1.0.0



block  monuments  progression 

Monument Progression – Allows users to block monuments/part of monuments for a configured amount of time after wipe, players won’t be able to loot high-end weapons early in the game

Monument Progression in LoneDesign Monument Progression in Codefling

Furnace Stacks cover image

Furnace Stacks - 1.02



chests stacks  furnace stacks  stack 

Furnace Stacks seamlessly allows players to stack furnaces vastly improving the gameplay experience and their base organization!

Furnace Stacks in LoneDesign Furnace Stacks in Codefling

Barrel Stacks cover image

Barrel Stacks - 1.0.3



chest  chests stacks  supreme 

Barrel Stacks is a Rust plugin that allows players to stack barrels on top of each other!

Barrel Stacks in LoneDesign Barrel Stacks in Codefling