Terrain Violation Fix - 1.0.3
inside terrain violation kick antihackDisables "Inside terrain violation 200" kicks for players with permission
No Heli Flyhack - 1.2.1
helicopters kick flyhackPrevents players getting kicked for flyhacking after dismounting helicopters
Kick Player Names - 1.0.2
kick player loginStops a player from entering your server if their name contains certain phrases. And can log this to your Discord Permissions : kickplayernames.bypas : players with this perm bypass the filter Configuration : To use Discord functionallity the DiscordMessages Plugin is required to be installed. Kick instantly : true ( Kicks on first attempt with a English message). Kick instantly : false (Kicks the player after logging ingame displaying a message in chat and gametip (with the notification in his ...
Admin Kick - 1.0.0
admin kick antispamThe purpose of creating this plugin is that if an admin is not online, you can grant this permission to a trusted player, trial mod, or admin to kick any player from the server. Command : /kick <playername> <kickmessage> Permissions : adminkick.use : grant permission anyone to use.
PunishAttacker - 1.8.3
pve kick killQuote REQUIRES Rust UI Framework Download and put .dll file into "RustDedicated_Data\Managed" folder Quote WORKS WITH Duelist Clans Friends Slap Economics Server Rewards Zone Manager Dynamic PVP ZLevels Remastered Tired of someone shooting into your players face on your PVE server? While it deal no damage it may lead to fps loss and be really annoying. This plugin will help you to punish them. The main idea of the plugin is to punish a player attacking another. There is variety of options in con...
NameCheck - 1.0.1
admin name advertisingNameCheck checks a players name to see if it contains part of the config list and then kicks the player with a custom message. Prevent players advertising on your server with their display name. Configuration Default config looks like this { "Names": [], "Kick Message": "Change your name to enter this server" } For a single entry input it in quotations like this { "Names": [".com"], "Kick Message": "Change your name to enter this server" } For multiple entries enter them separated with a comma {...
Safe Kick - 1.0.0
auth kick safeTeleports players that are kicked for particular reasons to a safe place
Discord Ban Notification - 1.0.1
ban bans discordDiscord Ban Notification is a tool to keep you informed about the bans and kicks on your game server. It works by sending alerts to a specified Discord channel whenever a player is banned, unbanned, or kicked from the server. No DLLs or external services are required.