
Battle Pass cover image

Battle Pass - 1.0.6



battlepass  bpass  events 

Battle Pass – Your players have a great opportunity to spend time by completing different missions to get rewards!

Battle Pass in LoneDesign Battle Pass in Codefling

Turret Fury cover image

Turret Fury - 2.2.0



accuracy  auto turret  damage 

Turret Fury – Enhanced Deployable Weapons

Turret Fury in LoneDesign Turret Fury in Codefling

Extended Industrial cover image

Extended Industrial - 1.1.6




Extended Industrial – This plugin adds storage adapters to other deployables when you have given permission.

Extended Industrial in LoneDesign

Ch47 Reinforcements cover image

Ch47 Reinforcements - 1.1.3



ch47  chnook  oil rig 

Run your own CH47 oil rig events anywhere on the map.

Ch47 Reinforcements in LoneDesign

BankCell cover image

BankCell - 1.0.1



bank  just wiped  backpack 

The plugin allows you to grant permission to players who will be able to save some loot.

BankCell in LoneDesign BankCell in Codefling

Custom Hud cover image

Custom Hud - 1.0.8


Billy Joe

economics  hud  player hud 

Elevate your Rust server with Custom HUD, a versatile plugin that overlays and enhances the standard UI. Offering extensive configuration options and seamless integration with other plugins, Custom HUD provides an exceptional user experience for both server owners and players. Upgrade your UI and boost player engagement with this innovative and customizable solution.

Custom Hud in LoneDesign Custom Hud in Codefling

Random Oil Craters cover image

Random Oil Craters - 1.0.1



crater  oil  pump jack 

RandomOilCraters – Spawns oil craters at random (valid) spots on your map.Has settings to explode on spawn, spawn an NPC to defend it, and fix the pump jacks so they produce.

Random Oil Craters in LoneDesign

Shoppy Stock cover image

Shoppy Stock - 1.1.6



buy  currency  discord connection 

Shoppy Stock – This Rust plugin introduces a plethora of innovative features to the RUST server economy that were previously unavailable.This plugin enables the creation of multiple shops with diverse currencies, stock markets with item listing, a highly customizable server selling center, and numerous other functionalities.

Shoppy Stock in LoneDesign Shoppy Stock in Codefling

Trivia cover image

Trivia - 1.6.3



disguise  featured  new 

A trivia game with rewards and punishments!

Trivia in LoneDesign

Discord Core cover image

Discord Core - 1.0.0



api  connect  discord 

Discord Core creates essential links between your RUST and Discord servers.It lets you display the player count, enable chat between Discord and the game, and send messages to the server or connected players.

Discord Core in LoneDesign Discord Core in Codefling

Redeem Storage API cover image

Redeem Storage API - 1.1.2



api  inventory  redeem 

Redeem Storage API enables you to consolidate all your plugin item sources into a single inventory.This means you can condense multiple storage containers into one and eliminate the need for free space in your inventory.

Redeem Storage API in LoneDesign Redeem Storage API in Codefling

Blackjack cover image

Blackjack - 1.0.2


Billy Joe

a6  blackjack  economics 

Blackjack plugin is just like any other blackjack game, although is a portable version players can do from anywhere on your server!

Blackjack in LoneDesign Blackjack in Codefling

Auto Add cover image

Auto Add - 1.1.4



furnace  oven  qol 

AutoAdd – A QOL Rust plugin, for furnaces, campfires, refinery’s, etc.

Auto Add in LoneDesign

Umap Markers cover image

Umap Markers - 1.0.4



map marker  marker  markers 

Boost your Rust server gameplay with the UMapMarkers plugin, providing tailor-made map markers for seamless in-game navigation and management. Improve player engagement and satisfaction with this adaptable and user-friendly plugin.

Umap Markers in LoneDesign

Personal Drone cover image

Personal Drone - 1.1.0



drone  npc  personal 

The personal drone rust plugin adds drones to your server that can collect resources, buy items from vending machines, shoot from the turret, and drop grenades at enemies!

Personal Drone in LoneDesign Personal Drone in Codefling

Teleport On Map Marker cover image

Teleport On Map Marker -



mapmarker  teleport  vanish 

Instantly teleport to map markers in Rust with the Teleport On Map Marker plugin featuring toggle functionality Vanish integration, and efficient marker management.

Teleport On Map Marker in LoneDesign Teleport On Map Marker in Codefling

Simple Symmetry cover image

Simple Symmetry - 1.1.1



simple  building 

The Simple Symmetry plugin Allow your players to Build with the assist of SymmetryDemo Available HereNow with support for WATER BASES 

Simple Symmetry in LoneDesign Simple Symmetry in Codefling

Simple Giveaways cover image

Simple Giveaways - 1.0.1



automated  gifts  giveaway 

Create ‘Automated’ Giveaways, with Items Won Based on Votes

Simple Giveaways in LoneDesign Simple Giveaways in Codefling

Heavy Water Treatment Event cover image

Heavy Water Treatment Event - 1.0.4



events  fun  pve 

Heavy Water Treatment Event is a configurable plugin that allows for a new type of random event. Randomly a message will appear letting players know that there is a Heavy Unit being formed at Water Treatment Event. The Water Treatment Plant will then be equipped with regular scientists, heavy scientists, auto turrets, and a Bradley. Players must try to clear the water treatment plant and find the scientist who drops the code to disable the auto turrets OR destroy all the turrets.

Heavy Water Treatment Event in LoneDesign Heavy Water Treatment Event in Codefling

Wipe Protect cover image

Wipe Protect - 1.3.9



protect  protection  wipe protect 

Wipe Protect – This plugin provides the Player with raid protection from the first login after Wipe until the time you set.

Wipe Protect in LoneDesign Wipe Protect in Codefling

Monument Owner cover image

Monument Owner - 1.6.0



pve  custom monument  excavator 

Never worry about your players fighting over a monument, make them compete for ownership! With this plugin you can configure several parameters then players can compete to claim a monument for a set time. There is enough configuration and options that this would work well for any server, whether PvE or PvP.

Monument Owner in LoneDesign Monument Owner in Codefling

Oil Rig Radiation cover image

Oil Rig Radiation - 1.1.0



events  oil rig  radiation 

Adds radiation when Oil Rig is complete.

Oil Rig Radiation in LoneDesign Oil Rig Radiation in Codefling

Road Bradley Limiter cover image

Road Bradley Limiter - 1.1.0



apc  end game  road bradley 

Road Bradley Limiter – Adjust settings of the road Bradley’s that spawn on end game trigger,Or disable auto event and run your own manual event with with console command or chat command.

Road Bradley Limiter in LoneDesign

Gas Station Event cover image

Gas Station Event - 1.2.6



ballas  bunker  cars 

Gas Station Event – A brand new event made with beginners and newer players in mind, that will take place at Oxum’s Gas Station

Gas Station Event in LoneDesign Gas Station Event in Codefling

Grow Trees cover image

Grow Trees - 1.1.1



farming  forest  mapping 

Replace the little sapling trees with full grown trees to give a much fuller forest at no added entity count.

Grow Trees in LoneDesign

Inventory Helper cover image

Inventory Helper - 1.0.0



ahigao  move items  craft 

Inventory Helper – Make life easier for the players on your server, this plugin allows you to craft items if there is a vault nearby with the right resources, and you can easily move items from one vault to another.

Inventory Helper in LoneDesign Inventory Helper in Codefling

Additional Belt cover image

Additional Belt - 1.0.4



additional  belt  optimazed 

Additional belt with the ability to switch by key combination and the UI button.

Additional Belt in LoneDesign Additional Belt in Codefling

Сustomizable Weapons cover image

Сustomizable Weapons - 1.5.19



bosses  customizable  npc 

Customize weapons by changing their damage types, changing the capacity of the magazine, etc.

Сustomizable Weapons in LoneDesign

Сustomizable Protection cover image

Сustomizable Protection - 2.1.8



armor  betternpc  bossmonster 

Сustomizable Protection – Customize the protection on the things you wear, create your own items with their own protection, add a plugin-designed damage system for NPCs, and accounting for armor worn.

Сustomizable Protection in LoneDesign

IQReportSystem cover image

IQReportSystem - 2.19.84



cheacking cheats  check system  checking complaints 

IQ Report System – your best choice for a complaint system!A progressive, convenient, and stylish check system with advanced customization. Convenient management, intuitive and pleasant interface that any player and moderator will understand.Plugin required : ImageLibrary

IQReportSystem in LoneDesign IQReportSystem in Codefling

ResourceRush Event cover image

ResourceRush Event - 1.1.71



events  fun  resourcerush 

ResourceRush is a custom event plugin for Rust that allows players to gather resources at increased rates for a limited time.

ResourceRush Event in LoneDesign ResourceRush Event in Codefling

BoxBattle Event cover image

BoxBattle Event - 1.1.1



events  fun  boxbattle 

BoxBattle is an exciting and dynamic Event that brings a new level of interaction and competition to your server. This plugin transforms the simple act of looting into a thrilling competition, where players earn points by looting crates/boxes scattered across the map.

BoxBattle Event in LoneDesign BoxBattle Event in Codefling

Sulfur Event cover image

Sulfur Event - 1.7.0



events  fun  clan pvp 

During the Unlimited Sulfur Event, a large sulfur node appears at a set location(s) and is marked on the map, drawing attention to all players. This node provides unlimited sulfur, giving players a chance to collect a significant amount of sulfur within a limited time. This event can add an extra layer of competition and cooperation among your players as they rush to take advantage of these lucrative opportunities.

Sulfur Event in LoneDesign Sulfur Event in Codefling

BarrelBash Event cover image

BarrelBash Event - 1.4.3



events  fun  barrelbash 

BarrelBash Event – Challenge players to destroy barrels and compete for the highest score.

BarrelBash Event in LoneDesign BarrelBash Event in Codefling

TimberTussle Event cover image

TimberTussle Event - 1.2.3



events  fun  activities 

TimberTussle Event – Challenge players to Chop Trees and compete for the highest score.

TimberTussle Event in LoneDesign TimberTussle Event in Codefling

Furnace Stacks cover image

Furnace Stacks - 1.02



chests stacks  furnace stacks  stack 

Furnace Stacks seamlessly allows players to stack furnaces vastly improving the gameplay experience and their base organization!

Furnace Stacks in LoneDesign Furnace Stacks in Codefling

Edge Protection cover image

Edge Protection - 1.1.1



custom map  edge  extend 

Edge Protection – Stops players dying at the edge of the map, instead it teleports them across to the opposite side.

Edge Protection in LoneDesign

Metal Event cover image

Metal Event - 1.7.0



events  enagagement  fun 

During the Unlimited Metal Event, a large Metal node appears at a set location(s) and is marked on the map, drawing attention to all players. This node provides unlimited Metal, giving players a chance to collect a significant amount of Metal within a limited time. This event can add an extra layer of competition and cooperation among your players as they rush to take advantage of these lucrative opportunities.

Metal Event in LoneDesign Metal Event in Codefling

Stone Event cover image

Stone Event - 1.7.0



events  rewards  stone 

During the Unlimited Stone Event, a large stone node appears at a set location(s) and is marked on the map, drawing attention to all players. This node provides unlimited stone, giving players a chance to collect a significant amount of stone within a limited time. This event can add an extra layer of competition and cooperation among your players as they rush to take advantage of these lucrative opportunities.

Stone Event in LoneDesign Stone Event in Codefling

Paintball cover image

Paintball - 1.0.3



events  arena  paintball 

Shoot paint at your friends with this dynamically spawned arena in the sky!

Paintball in LoneDesign Paintball in Codefling