Road Bradley - 1.6.13
apc bradley bradleyapcRoad Bradley plugin enhances APC fights by spawning Bradleys with custom AI on selected roads or allowing players to purchase their own Bradley for battles.The plugin is highly configurable, letting you set almost every variable to your preference.It includes various features to enhance your Bradley fights, such as RF Detonators, targeting missiles, and more.Additionally, it fully supports custom map configurations.
Xperience - 1.5.1
levels rpg skillsOUTDATED – Get latest version in our discord or CodeflingGain Experience doing just about anything in-game. Earn Stats and Skills to enhance your character.RanksExperienceLevelsNight BoostStats & SkillsBonus XP with Kill Records modUI for player controlsTop players UISQL support for remote storage (only for saving not loading)In-Game Admin Panel UI for mod adjustmentsPermissions to restrict Stats/SkillsCheck out the XPerience Addon for even more features
Hud Panel System - 1.1.10
hud infopanel monitorPanel System – Adds a HUD to the user’s screen showing the economy, time, online players, events, etc.
Additional Metabolism - 1.2.2
ahigao fun rust plugins metabolismAdditional Metabolism – The Metabolism plugin will add 3 new parameters to the player, which will diversify the game on your server. It is perfectly optimized, there are accompanying buttons in the UI for interactions.
Xperience Addon - 1.3.0
addon levels serverstatsOUTDATED – Get latest version in our discord or CodeflingXPerienceAddon – This Addon adds new features to XPerience as well as collects data from XPerience, Kill Records and other mods if enabled and sends it to through SQL. All servers with this addon mod will be publicly shown on with their own page and player profiles
Simple Splitter - 2.4.7
furnace oven quality of lifeSimple Splitter – High Performance Furnace / Oven Splitter
Raid Time Manager - 1.3.6
ahigao calendar raid control rustRaid Time Manager -An optimized plugin that allows you to set safe and raid times for players.Default command for Open UI: /rtm
Surprise Trap - 2.1.1
beartrap landmine randomThis plugin give the possibility to spawn a bunch of trap randomly across the map to make it a bit hard for your players.
PopUp API - 2.0.3
api hint hintsPopUp API streamlines notifications into one minimalist plugin, particularly handy during player inventory actions when the chat is hidden.Pop-ups are fully customizable, allowing for infinite designs to be created.Please note that the ImageLibrary plugin is only required if you intend to use images in your pop-ups.
Drop Ship - 1.0.19
Drop Ship – Adds Lootable Custom Shipping containers with Custom Loot tables to the game.They can Float and drift in the Water, pushed by cars and boats and be lifted and carried by helicopters !!!Several Events to spawn them including Cargo ship drop, Random Deep Ocean Spawn, Harbor Spawns and Flat train car spawns.
Defendable Bases - 1.2.3
barricade ch47 custom monumentDefendable Bases – This plugin adds a new dynamic zombie event to your server, the appearance of which you can customize in the configuration for any standard and custom monuments
InfoHudBar - 1.0.5
hud hudbar infopanelInfoHudBar – A beautiful and informative HUD bar for your server.
Custom Magazine - 1.0.6
ammo extended magazine magazineCustom Magazine – This plugin will add multiple extended magazines to your server
Portable Lockers - 1.0.9
backpack locker lockersPortable Lockers allows you to use your locker anywhere on the world and change set depending on the situation.
King Of The Hill Event 1..1.2 - 10.2
events king of the hillKing Of The Hill is a custom server event where a base will spawn at a random point on the map. This base can contain locked crates, military crates or anything else you can think of. Players will then have to raid and potentially hold this base to claim the locked crate(If you have one set). Its fully customisable and can be altered to fit your server needs. This plugin works great for servers of all types. High Pop, Low Pop and even PVE(Set auto-turrets or scientists to protect the base)
Trade - 1.2.15
tradeTrade allows two players to trade items from a distance and use the Shopfront UI.
Better Vanish - 1.7.3
admin vanish better vanishBetter Vanish is a must have for every server which allows the server admins or users with permission to go fully invisible to spectate / watch players.
EpicLoot - 1.2.3
containers custom items rust custom lootAdd a new dynamic to your server with enhanced custom items that feature unique set types. Players also obtain set bonuses for wearing multiple clothing items with the same set type.
Solo Notifier - 1.0.0
notify solo uinotifySolo Notifier – This is a simple plugin that will notify a player if the base they hit/shoot/damage is owned by a solo player. Often it can be obvious if the player is solo if they’re using a key lock, but if they decide to use code locks, or you’re using a plugin like Automatic Authorization then it’s not always possible to tell.
Easy Barrels - 1.0.0
farming game play noobEasy Barrels – Instantly break barrels, roadsigns, and other items defined in the config file.Auto collects the loot with a max range setting.
Always Hot Spot - 1.0.0.
farming harmony modAlways Hot Spot – mod that ensures you have triggered hitting a hot spot each time you farm trees and nodes.
IQBoss - 1.5.14
events iqboss mercuryIQBoss – a new event for your RUST server with the participation of NPCsLarge and advanced configuration with which you can edit the eventAccording to the standard, the configuration is already configured and has the theme “Ash Boss”, you can fully change it at your discretion and set your own style of the event, it all depends on your imagination and desire, the configuration of the plugin will allow you to experiment perfectly and try different stylesRequired Plugins :(Free) – NpcSpawn VIDEO –
Random Trader - 1.0.9
im the new guy shop storeRandom Trader – Shops will spawn randomly along the side of the road, stocked full of random goodies for your players to purchase for scrap, economics or server reward points!
MysteryBox - 1.1.2
gambling lootbox mysteryMysteryBox – Rewards consist of tiered rewards given by chance. Player types /mbo to receive one spin. Boxes can be added via console and chat command.
Skip Night - 1.0.12
fast day fast night nightSkip Night – The best plugin that allows you to skip the night on the server. In addition to instant night skipping, you can use night acceleration. You can turn on white nights (under the full moon). Your players will love it!
IQTurret - 1.11.23
electrical electrik noelectricalIQTurrets is a plugin that adds turrets to your server without electricity!
Casinos - 1.0.4
casino chance copypasteJoin or host a casino and gamble the night away with your friends. Great for PVP, PVE and RP servers alike!
The Golden Egg - 1.9.21
crunch egg eventsGenerates a special item in random crates that gives optional health/gather buffs when carrying it, or can generate other items (scrap etc) when placed in a box. However it’s location is permanently marked on the map, making the owner a target.Works With:TruePVETimed PermissionsRaidable Bases
Wagon Plus - 1.1.3
custom lootWagon Plus – Modifies the amount of Gold Ore or Fuel of the new Train cars.
Fishing Contest - 1.0.2
catch competition contestCompete with others on your server in a battle of will with Fishing Contest. Will you be the greatest angler Rust has ever seen?
Sputnik - 1.4.3
custom monument elite crate eventsSputnik is a server event that allows players to contest fallen sputnik satellite fragments that fall around the map
Better Statistics - 1.2.1
stats statistics stats websiteBetter Statistics is a advanced statistic plugin which offers a beautiful in-game UI and self hosted responsive website.
- 2.58.39
admin chat chat customizationIQChat – a comprehensive system for managing your server’s chat.This plugin has proven itself since 2019 and remains a unique chat system plugin to this day.Extensive functionality in a beautiful design, with a large base of plugins that work seamlessly with it!
IQPermissions - 1.8.32
grant groups permissionsIQPermissions – is your server’s temporary privilege controller with the ability to transfer your data from TimedPermissions, Grant or TimePrivilage!Required Plugins :Image Library
Workbench Crafter - 1.1.7
clan plugin fun rust plugins workbenchWorkbench crafter is a new crafting system, instead of the current way of staying AFK next to the workbench waiting for the craft to finish now you can leave that task to the workbench and go to PVP with your teammates.
Instant Startup - 1.0.0
good plugins vehicles instantInstant Startup – Instant engine Startup for Mini copter and Scrap Transport Helicopter.
Mountable Turrets - 1.2.1
anti-air autoturret deployableThis plugin adds 2 new deployable mountable turrets and IR-traps.Depends onImageLibraryRC Indentifier Fix